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Advertising with Downserv.Com

Dear Friend If you're interested for advertising with DownServ , here's some information on the site, and how to do so.

By purchasing advertising link, you're not only getting your website promoted, but also helping us!

DownServ.Com Information:
  • DownServ.Com is live since 2009.

  • We receive more than 100 member every day

  • We receiving more then 80% traffic from Search Engines, coz we are heavily indexed warez forum in Google / Bing & Yahoo Search.
Advertising Locations And Prices

Header Banner:

Get a banner in our navbar (header), which can send out many hits per day.

Locations :

Main Page :

Post Page And 2nd Main Page :

Side Menu Banner:

Get a banner in our side menu, which can send out many hits per day.

Locations :

Topics Banner:

Get a banner in our Topics , which can send out many hits per day.

{ top of the topic }

Locations :

If you interested or would like to advertise elsewhere on the Downloads Area or Portal or you have any Questions or Queries..

Please PM to the admin (DownServ) or Contact Us with subject "Advertising with Downserv .

Advertising That Work

Discount 70% if you book more than a month