Hello, wow this is amazing, I have no idea how anyone found one of my test sites but I just wanted ask is this legit? All my test site has at the moment are just thumbnails of The Simpsons and it's not even listed on google at all.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to you on behalf of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and its related entities (collectively "Fox"). Fox is the exclusive owner of copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights worldwide in the television series THE SIMPSONS (the "Series").

It has come to our attention that you own and operate the website at domain.com (the "Website"), which offers streaming of and/or links to downloads of clips and/or episodes of the Series, and which uses copyrighted images from the Series.

Your streaming and/or links to downloads of clips and/or episodes of the Series constitutes copyright infringement under U.S. law, and entitles Fox to recover its actual damages, statutory damages up to US$150,000 per copyright infringed, your profits, Fox's attorney?s fees, and court costs. See 17 U.S.C. ??502 ? 505.

Moreover, the Website creates consumer confusion because users encountering it will assume that Fox sponsors, endorses, or authorizes the content thereon, when it in fact does not. Accordingly, the Website violates Fox?s trademark rights and constitutes unfair competition under the Lanham Act. See 15 U.S.C. ? 1114 and ? 1025.

We, therefore, demand that you immediately:

1. Remove all references to THE SIMPSONS and to any other television series or motion picture produced by Fox from domain.com;

2. Cease all use, display or distribution, or links to sites that use, display or distribute, of all copyrighted material from or related to THE SIMPSONS and any other television series or motion picture produced by Fox on any website whatsoever;

3. At your own expense, assign the domain.com URL to Fox;

4. Identify the total revenue that domain.com has generated to date by advertising or other means, and,

5. Confirm in writing to the undersigned no later than September 10, 2012, that you shall fully and promptly comply with each of the foregoing demands.

Should you fail to comply with the above demands by the close of business on September 10, 2012 we will consider taking all appropriate action against you without further notice to you.

This letter is without prejudice to Fox?s rights and remedies, all of which are expressly reserved.

Very truly yours,

/Kasimira C. Verdi/

Kasimira C. Verdi
Director ? Intellectual Property
Fox Group Legal
What do you guys reckon about this?
le3on9 Reviewed by le3on9 on . Fox DMCA Hello, wow this is amazing, I have no idea how anyone found one of my test sites but I just wanted ask is this legit? All my test site has at the moment are just thumbnails of The Simpsons and it's not even listed on google at all. What do you guys reckon about this? Rating: 5