i have an adult site with good number of mobile and pc visitors .. i get around 3000000 pageviews per day...
here is google analytics stats for aug 6 to sept 5 2012
Visits: 1,044,524
Unique Visitors: 555,360
Pageviews: 9,680,930
Pages / Visit: 9.27
Avg. Visit Duration: 00:13:39
Bounce Rate: 28.91%
% New Visits: 48.45%

I need PPC for both mobile and pc ads... or anyone interested to buy direct ads can PM me

Looking forward for your suggestion

cheers !!!
kittin Reviewed by kittin on . can anyone suggest best PPC or any program for 9000k pageviews per day site Hi; i have an adult site with good number of mobile and pc visitors .. i get around 3000000 pageviews per day... here is google analytics stats for aug 6 to sept 5 2012 Visits: 1,044,524 Unique Visitors: 555,360 Pageviews: 9,680,930 Pages / Visit: 9.27 Avg. Visit Duration: 00:13:39 Bounce Rate: 28.91% % New Visits: 48.45% Rating: 5