eCPM is is the estimated earning we would make on 1000 ad impressions.
But on my cpmfun reports page,there is a column for impressions & unique impressions.
My questions is,suppose my ecpm is $2,then would i earn $2 for a total of 1000 impressions or a total of 1000 'unique' impressions??
Anku31 Reviewed by Anku31 on . CPM - total impressions or unique impressions?? eCPM is is the estimated earning we would make on 1000 ad impressions. But on my cpmfun reports page,there is a column for impressions & unique impressions. My questions is,suppose my ecpm is $2,then would i earn $2 for a total of 1000 impressions or a total of 1000 'unique' impressions?? Rating: 5