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    Default PSD Site Template

    As I am a designer I work on Photoshop and my job is to design the site in Photoshop so that before coding client can see how there site will actually look . So now if I am doing this work here of KWWHunction what should I charge . . . . ? (For the PSD template )
    Umar.Work22 Reviewed by Umar.Work22 on . PSD Site Template As I am a designer I work on Photoshop and my job is to design the site in Photoshop so that before coding client can see how there site will actually look . So now if I am doing this work here of KWWHunction what should I charge . . . . ? (For the PSD template ) Rating: 5

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    Teh GFX Whore! ^.^
    You can do this in 2 ways.
    Make a generic template and have its auction and see what is your art's worth.
    or just put up your portfolio in the graphic section and wait for clients you approach you yourself.

    I remember selling my first website design to 4tw(a member here) for $20. I knew nothing back then and he really supported me with that. So, you know, you can also start like that.

    I joined KWWHunction before it was cool!
    My "AWESOME" Graphic designing Service

    I have left a thread but i am confused with the prices .

    Teh GFX Whore! ^.^
    You can send me the previews and I can help you decide the prices if you want

    I joined KWWHunction before it was cool!
    My "AWESOME" Graphic designing Service

    Too busy :|
    It really depends upon you. If you think its worth 100$ then price it at the same, but if you think its worth 10$ then do that.

    You need to fore look what other designers are offering and how competitive you are. If designer A is selling a generic PSD template at 20$ and your work is of the same quality then you can probably sell it for 18$ or 15$.
    Do this repeatedly and once when you start getting recognition, increase your price.

    @Nitish bro I have posted that in services you can check that

    For me PSD template cost much more than cutting it to html + css. You can charge for it even 5-10 times more. Everything depend from client budget and yours exprience. If you have nice portfolio then customer can trust in your talent. You need to make your own method for charge clients.
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    Popon Than was helping

    I ask €200,- for a complete website in PSD format... So that is about $250...

    ohhh and do people come to you for full PSD site and pay that much ...?

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