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View Poll Results: Do you use online storage?

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  • No, I never use online storage

    17 48.57%
  • Rarely, maybe a few times a year

    3 8.57%
  • Maybe once or twice a month

    4 11.43%
  • Often, a few times a week or more

    11 31.43%
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    Default Do you use online storage ?

    warez-uploaders aside, do you use online storage lockers such as DropBox, SkyDrive, etc? If so, how often do you use them?

    Please state why if possible.
    jayfella Reviewed by jayfella on . Do you use online storage ? warez-uploaders aside, do you use online storage lockers such as DropBox, SkyDrive, etc? If so, how often do you use them? Please state why if possible. Rating: 5

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    I used them for a few days but then found its of no use its doesnt sync as fast as would like to

    i used it recently for my outlook backup....but as zippyshare private uploader
    mostly i uploads my backup every Saturday morning...

    Respected Developer
    Yes... a lot. I'm a Beta Dropbox Version, Google Drive Developer Version, iCloud Developer Account and Invite only Beta Cubby user.

    I've dropbox installed on my PC at work, personal laptop, iPad and iPhone.

    I've automatic photo upload installed on my iPhone so my photos (including videos) are ready for me in full resolution when I arrive back at my windows laptop and PC.This is really useful as if I have to take photos for work they are my computer by the time I get back to the office. iCloud Photostream just isn't Windows friendly otherwise I'd use that. If I charge my iPhone on my computer it automatically syncs my photos on it to Dropbox.

    I move photos from the default dropbox folder to a work folder or a personal photos folder or a photo folder that's shared with my girlfriend.

    I also use dropbox for sharing documents with clients. For example I've used it to transfer large amounts (3GB's) of confidential contract documents to a Scotland office and never worried about security. It had to be noob proof and the office FTP was having issues at the time.

    Another thing I do is put eBooks (well magazines mostly) in Dropbox so I can then read them on any device. Don't like the idea of locking ebooks to one ecosystem so a cloud storeage helps here.

    My main use for Dropbox though is photos as I don't like how iCloud removes old photosafter a certain period and the likes of Google Plus and Facebook automatically upload reduced quality versions.

    I use an iOS app called Shoebox by 1000 memories to transfer old photos to a digital copy which are stored online. If a fire in my house burned all my old baby photos and my parents as children I've a digital copy stored in the cloud.I don't bother sharing them from this location. It's just a backup.

    I've it installed Google Drive on my laptop and iPhone.
    I don't use Google drive as much as I though I would when it was released. It just doesn't seam finished. For example you can't delete on the iOS app and the instant upload Dropbox has makes me use it more. This is a big problem for me but I can see myself use it more in the future as more features are added.

    One thing I like if your using the Beta Version of Google Chrome is you can print any webpage as a PDF to the cloud and it saves in Google Drive. I do use this if I've just booked something online as a way to take a screenshot of the webpage as that webpage won't be available later to return to. Sometimes an automated email may get blocked as spam so it's good to have the webpage screenshot as an emergency if you turn up for a train, hotel or concert without an email confirmation.

    All my contacts are backed up to iCloud. I do have this synced with Google Contacts but use iCloud as the primary due to Siri. My Twitter and Facebook contacts are also synced back to iCloud. Syncing Google Contacts doesn't support relationships as well as iCloud with Siri uses. It's the same for my clalandar. My main calandar is iCloud due to Siri but it's synced to Google.

    It's new and I don't use it much. They do offer 1GB if you refer a friend though compared to the next best which is only 500mb from dropbox.

    Have the 25GB account but I don't use it. It didn't have an any iOS version last I checked.

    My biggest cloud storage problem at the moment is music. Some of my friends are musicians and while I have their unreleased music cloud services like Spotify don't. Both Google and Amazons are only available in America the two of which interest me most. I can create an American Google account and use Google Music that way but I want to use it on my default European account. I don't want to lock in my music collection to iTunes Music Match.

    So ya I use the cloud a lot for storage and syncing in lots of different ways. Didn't realize how much until I started writing this and there's probably more I can't think of now.
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    i tried for a while, but my couch just wouldnt fit lol

    seriously though i do use online storage for uploading psds for my clients is mainly all i use it for anymore

    mmm mmm!
    Hell no.
    HATERS GONNA probably bring up some valid points considering I am an ignorant little twat so far up my own ass that i blame my problems on everyone and if you criticize me you're automatically wrong.

    Never used any online storage and i will not use one.
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    Thanks for the detailed feedback Mr Happy. It seems you are a "bleeding edge" kind of guy with online storage.

    Also thanks to the others that replied, everybody's input is of genuine use. I have some ideas for an application, more than likely freeware, and trying to get a feel for how it is used, and how to go about presenting it to a potential user. The user interface is always something that needs extensive attention, and I'm just trying to make sure that I present it in a way that is going to be intuitive to its key audience.

    I am using Dropbox and sugersync every single day.. i cant live without it. its a must have.

    Jay: You forgot to mention Sugersync... its currently the best after dropbox or equivalent. just look at the comparison and features.

    Not currently, but I have thought about uploading some stuff I need to backup just incase some thing happens to my house.
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