Hey guys, i know it's been out a while but for those of you who haven't gone through the pain in the ass of installing windows 8 yet i set up a public gallery (so no you don't need an account at all) below so you can get an idea of what it's like.


I have been using it for about an hour and i have already found myself gritting my teeth a few times, the pain of being able to reach a normal windows 7 screen and having no start bar is unbearable! And switching between the Metro UI and the standard desktop which you find yourself doing a lot is such a pain in the ass. You will end up doing it all the time as all the applications are in the Metro UI unless you have pinned them to the taskbar.

Verdict = Terrible.

But this is only the developer preview, who knows what will change yet!
Bretteo Reviewed by Bretteo on . For those of you who haven't used windows 8... Hey guys, i know it's been out a while but for those of you who haven't gone through the pain in the ass of installing windows 8 yet i set up a public gallery (so no you don't need an account at all) below so you can get an idea of what it's like. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.132627173543909.25810.100003898823420&type=1&l=b7f589f072 I have been using it for about an hour and i have already found myself gritting my teeth a few times, the pain of being able to reach a normal Rating: 5