Dear publishers,

In order to reward our loyal publishers and share a bigger portion of the revenue with them, we have just started a new promotion for our UShorten.Me service. Starting immediately, the payout rates for European countries have been massively increased (ex: $1.2 for Germany). Some new European countries (ex: Czech Republic) have been included in the payout also.

Come and take a look and we are sure you will like what you see. There will be more promotions to come in the future as well to ensure your efforts will be rewarded even more than ever before.

As always, we want to thank everyone for their continuous support of UShorten.Me. If you have further comments or suggestions, do not hesitate to let us know.

UShorten.Me team
joerudy1988 Reviewed by joerudy1988 on . UShorten.Me - Massive Payout Increase for European Countries Dear publishers, In order to reward our loyal publishers and share a bigger portion of the revenue with them, we have just started a new promotion for our UShorten.Me service. Starting immediately, the payout rates for European countries have been massively increased (ex: $1.2 for Germany). Some new European countries (ex: Czech Republic) have been included in the payout also. Come and take a look and we are sure you will like what you see. There will be more promotions to come in the Rating: 5