Welcome to Remote-RDP!

Tired of slow servers, downtime and poor support? Or did you also fall for one of the many too-good-to-be-true promises, only to find out that they could not actually deliver what they promised?

Let us change that for you! Servers in EU and US, we pride ourselves in delivering premium RDP services and customer support.

Why choose us over any other host?
  • We don't overload our servers
  • We offer true 24x7 support guarantee
  • Clients are treated friendly and with respect
  • We will go beyond the support that most other hosts offer (e.g. we will also offer support with setting up programs, etc.)
  • No hidden fees!
  • Competitive pricing!
  • 99.9% Server Uptime Guaranteed!


Upload test's:

All packages :

Hard disk's are SAS 7,200RPM with Raid 0.

Encoding packages :

If you don't need RDP for 1month, why buying monthly subscription?
Here we introduce Daily Based RDP Plans

FTP Hosting plans

What's Not Allowed:
- Child Porn
- Hacking activities
- Phishing
- DDoS purposes
- Massmailing/Spamming
- Hardware/Software abuse
Everything else is normally allowed.

Promo Coupon:

Get 5% recurring discount on Encoding plans, use ENPROMO and get 5% off.

First time offering discount on Basic and Pro plan's.

Use GOLDDEAL and get 5% discount.

Payment Method:-
- PayPal
- WebMoney
- Liberty Reserve
- PayZa (Alertpay)

Take a look at our website or contact us with any queries not covered.
Please contact us at sales@remote-rdp.com

For Demo : sales@remote-rdp.com (MSN) & remote_rdp@yahoo.com (Yahoo messenger)

Click here to check server uptime.

I hope you will enjoy your service.

Sales Team
Chaitan Reviewed by Chaitan on . Remote-RDP.com - E3-1230/E3-1240 16GB Ram, Encoding, 1Gbps RDAs from $15month (NL/EU) http://i.imgur.com/3syHo.png Welcome to Remote-RDP! Tired of slow servers, downtime and poor support? Or did you also fall for one of the many too-good-to-be-true promises, only to find out that they could not actually deliver what they promised? Let us change that for you! Servers in EU and US, we pride ourselves in delivering premium RDP services and customer support. Rating: 5