firstly welcome to KWWH and good luck with this business.
Can you change this rule "General Images Will Have Adult Advertise" this may effect your hits, a good image host never advertise Adult images for General screenshot/wallpaper/any image, instead they advertise Adult images on Adult content and General images on General content. Let me elaborate, how it effects your traffic a famous image host targets traffic/hits from all kind of ages right from kids to old-aged. If you have Adult Advertised add beside an toy-car image and that guy (consider, parent of a kid) directly drawn from Google obviously first impression by him will be this is kind of Adult site they simply terminate, in this process you loose tons of traffic.

its just a suggestion, your decision is respected as your the owner/staff guy
Good luck
Thank For the headSup...
Good luck for u2...
Beste Regards,
