Site Info: Created: 11th July 2010 by Chris2k (me)...

Staff: Chris2k

I didn't ever make an official thread about my DDL as I never felt the need for, however now 500+ sites submit, I can handle emails fine but this thread will help...


Your site will be whitelisted on 1st submission.
You must add the WarezRelease backlink or button, else your downloads will be rejected + your site blacklisted instantly.
All submissions must be linked directly with information and download links must be clearly visible.
If you are submitting for a forum, the link must be visible for guests and no forced registration.
No more than 1x popup is allowed, also don't plaster your site/pages with ads.
You may submit up to 120 downloads per day (24 hours).
Do not post any BitTorrent, eDonkey, Magnet or similiar links, they will be deleted.
Downloads will be deleted from the list if they are missing, or the page has been changed after submission.
Do not submit a demo or fake files.
Do not submit the same downloads, more than once a week, unless it is a new or different link.
All CAPS not allowed in submission titles.


New rule: 3,4 and 5* sites must use one of the warez buttons provided., if the site is pure XXX only must use one of the XXX butttons.

Requests for re-rate, site info change can be done here in this thread or email.

If you have any Question please post here or you can contact us...

Chris2k Reviewed by Chris2k on . (Official) - Whitelist - Re-Rates - Support Site Info: Created: 11th July 2010 by Chris2k (me)... Staff: Chris2k I didn't ever make an official thread about my DDL as I never felt the need for, however now 500+ sites submit, I can handle emails fine but this thread will help... So, Rating: 5