News Coverage is always looking for new authors, and this is why we offer a unique opportunity to those who may be interested in submitting contributions.

Submit Articles

While anyone can become an author at News Coverage, only articles and publications that have surpassed our view will be published within our directory.

Earn Money

Monetize your submitted artcles! News Coverage would like to support contributing authors by providing them with revenue earned through their article submissions!

Now your interest in a specific subject can pay off; just from sharing a few words! With the most competitive payment plan yet, we will surely capture your attention!

Other article submission directories may offer to pay a small sum based on the article, or pay by the article's view count, and is largely inconsiderate to the authors. We offer you the actual earnings of your article, rather than monetizing your contributions. We pass the earnings on to you.

Rewards Program

The News Coverage author reward program entitles you earnings from your articles!

Every contributing author will be eligible to monetize each article that they submit, allowing them to amass a consistant revenue by earning through the google adsense powered advertisements on your articles.

This allows us to pay you for every click - allowing you to earn the equivalent of another service's payout within a few viewers, and keep earning until you remove your publication, meaning this is the most competitive payment plan in the industry.

How Much Will I Earn?

The amount of revenue that is earned from your submitted articles will vary, depending on the subject matter and ofcourse it's popularity.

The value of each click on an advertisement will be reflected upon the topic of your article. Certain topics will carry a higher value than others, as does the viewer's location. It is common to receive well over $1.50 per click on many subjects.

Exclusive Submissions

If your content is unique, select it as an exclusive publication during submission! While certain rules apply, an exclusive publication enables you to earn an additional 25% bonus on all earnings that it produces!

When Will I be Paid?

All authors will be paid net 30 after the end of the month that they have met the minimum pay out $25.00. Authors who have not met the minimum payout will have their funds carry over until they are eligible for the monthly author payout.

How Will I be Paid?

All authors will be paid via Paypal, in Canadian currency. Please contact us in advance order to request a cheque through the mail.

Thanks everyone Reviewed by on . Content Authors - Endless Adsense Earnings News Coverage is always looking for new authors, and this is why we offer a unique opportunity to those who may be interested in submitting contributions. Submit Articles While anyone can become an author at News Coverage, only articles and publications that have surpassed our view will be published within our directory. Earn Money Rating: 5