Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg supports CISPA?

13 April 2012, Digital Journal

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (or CISPA for short) is currently being discussed in Congress and it seems that Mark Zuckerberg is in support of the Act.
Digital Journal recently reported on CISPA, the official title of this controversial act being H.R. 3523, and that it is feared that CISPA is far worse than SOPA and PIPA in its possible effects on the Internet.
Now Demand Progress is reporting that, despite his remarks recently about protecting privacy and the free internet, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook is actually in support of the act.

Facebook has signed on in support of CISPA, the new bill which would potentially let ISPs block websites, cut off users accused of piracy and give the military broad new abilities to spy on the internet. The Center for Democracy and Technology has said, "CISPA has a very broad, almost unlimited definition of the information that can be shared with government agencies and it supersedes all other privacy laws." It is suggested that internet users visit their web page to find out more about CISPA. According to the Electronic Frontier Foundation:

"An ISP could even interpret this bill as allowing them to block accounts believed to be infringing, block access to websites like The Pirate Bay believed to carry infringing content, or take other measures provided they claimed it was motivated by cybersecurity concerns."

Digital Trends has published an article listing 800 companies that are in support of CISPA. Demand Progress is now running a petition which anyone determined to keep the internet free should sign. The message to Zuckerberg from this petition? "What is Facebook thinking? You're encouraging Congress to obliterate online privacy. Even as your users express increasing concern about the privacy of their accounts on your site. Please withdraw your support for CISPA right away."

Facebook supports CISPA

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Why CISPA Sucks

* Ernesto, Torrent Freak
12 April 2012

The latest bill to gain attention online is CISPA, or the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.
As the title suggests the main goal of the bill is to deal with ?cybersecurity,? but with a lack of definition as to what that actually entails, it?s also one of the major weaknesses.
In short CISPA would allow companies to spy on Internet users and collect and share this data with third-party companies or Government agencies.
As long as the company states that these privacy violations are needed to protect against ?cybersecurity? threats, they are immune from civil and criminal liabilities.
Below is a good overview of what the bill entails.

Credit goes to Lumin

---------- Post added at 01:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ----------

This new bill will definately affect your privacy, read this for more info;

Ladybbird1 Reviewed by Ladybbird1 on . PICS-New CISPA Bill is WORSE than SOPA & PIPA Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg supports CISPA? 13 April 2012, Digital Journal The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (or CISPA for short) is currently being discussed in Congress and it seems that Mark Zuckerberg is in support of the Act. Digital Journal recently reported on CISPA, the official title of this controversial act being H.R. 3523, and that it is feared that CISPA is far worse than SOPA and PIPA in its possible effects on the Internet. Now Demand Progress is Rating: 5