I'm buying signature/avatar image ranks: (Sigh, I'm not creative, so please try to add more to my ranks)

1x - 6 stars with the color code [color=#00c0ff] in the background with Chief of Staff somewhere on it.
1x - 6 stars with the color code [color=#00c0ff] in the background with Head Root Admin somewhere on it.
1x - 5 stars with the color code [color=lime] in the background with Root Admin somewhere on it.
1x - 4 stars with the color code [color=blue] in the background with Assistant somewhere on it.
1x - 3 stars with the color code [color=orange] in the background with V.I.P somewhere on it.
1x - 2 stars with the color code [color=purple] in the background with Approved Admin somewhere on it.

An example of a rank would be like this: --> except I need it a bit bigger or the text smaller to fit everything

The above is for both avatar/signature ranks, if you can't figure it out..try to correct what I'm trying to buy here, post price as well.

Edit: I actually want a variety of rank images and userbar rank images, just try to make them - be creative
Glica Reviewed by Glica on . Buying image ranks I'm buying signature/avatar image ranks: (Sigh, I'm not creative, so please try to add more to my ranks) 1x - 6 stars with the color code in the background with Chief of Staff somewhere on it. ---- 1x - 6 stars with the color code in the background with Head Root Admin somewhere on it. ---- 1x - 5 stars with the color code in the background with Root Admin somewhere on it. ---- 1x - 4 stars with the color code in the background with Assistant somewhere on it. ---- Rating: 5