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    Default Mediafire fastest upload speed?

    I am trying to find the fastest upload speed I can get on Mediafire. I have tried Mediafire Xpress applet and the that does 1.7 Mbps. Using Zoom uploader via my ISP (VirginMedia UK) I get 1.1 Mbps and via a proxy I get 2.1 Mbps for a single file.

    Is this the fastest that Mediafire allow?
    Wam7 Reviewed by Wam7 on . Mediafire fastest upload speed? I am trying to find the fastest upload speed I can get on Mediafire. I have tried Mediafire Xpress applet and the that does 1.7 Mbps. Using Zoom uploader via my ISP (VirginMedia UK) I get 1.1 Mbps and via a proxy I get 2.1 Mbps for a single file. Is this the fastest that Mediafire allow? Rating: 5

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    with my RL, sitll get max 200kb/s

    I have two US servers, one is getting only around 1000 KB/s (1MB/s) and the other is only around 3500 KB/s (3.5MB/s) I think they limit their speeds quite low.


    1MB/s = 10 Mbps
    3.5MB/s = 28 Mbps

    I have two US servers, one is getting only around 1000 KB/s (1MB/s) and the other is only around 3500 KB/s (3.5MB/s) I think they limit their speeds quite low.


    1MB/s = 10 Mbps
    3.5MB/s = 28 Mbps
    It looks like you are using Zoom file uploader, so how did you manage to get such a good upload speed? I would be happy with just the 10 Mbps you have never mind the 28 Mbps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wam7 View Post
    It looks like you are using Zoom file uploader, so how did you manage to get such a good upload speed? I would be happy with just the 10 Mbps you have never mind the 28 Mbps.
    Try this setting.

    Copy & paste in browser.

    I have RDP Server located in Dallas, TX, USA and it get max 3800KBps using Zoom Uploader

    Also my account is Free user.

    Thanks for sending that, though I am already using the 1 meg buffer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wam7 View Post
    Thanks for sending that, though I am already using the 1 meg buffer.
    Then it may just be your server that can't help you deliver your files faster.

    Well it's useful to know that it's not Mediafire, so the problem has to be initially my ISP only allowing 120 KB/s to Mediafire and then if I try the Dutch proxy it only allowing 250 KB/s.

    Will finding a US proxy avail better speeds you think?


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