"Because there is nothing that prohibits them from getting citizenship. We just don't create a new pathway. The bottom line is they would have a visa of some sort and like they and any other visa holder in this country can get in line and apply for residency. You have to wait in line but you get to wait in line in the U.S, legally. They would be here living, studying working, while they're waiting in line. We have a broken legal immigration system. Someone would say, 'Well it's going to take them forever to get residency.' " Well, that's true of anybody. The system has to be modernized but that's a separate topic. It doesn't create a pathway to citizenship directly but doesn't prohibit them from entering the regular pathway."
Source: http://adreamact.com/dream-act-news-...tive-t548.html

More Info: http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-bu...s-should-be-vp

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ACE Reviewed by ACE on . Rubio on his DREAM Act Alternative Source: http://adreamact.com/dream-act-news-releases/rubio-on-his-dream-act-alternative-t548.html More Info: http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/content/marco-rubio-his-dream-act-alternative-ann-coulter-and-who-he-thinks-should-be-vp Your thoughts? Rating: 5