RADical PHP Framework

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NOTE: This framework is no longer developed. It was a great experience, for the latest version see the GitHub project link, occasional bug fixes and minor improvements if requested or required for existing projects will be uploaded. For More information: here
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Project Link: https://github.com/splitice/radical-php
Radical PHP Version 0.1.0 beta1: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62365823/ra...0.1.0beta1.zip | Snapshot (recommended): https://github.com/splitice/radical-php/zipball/master
Radical Blog (Example App) pre-alpha: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62365823/ra...-preview7.rar| Snapshot (recommended): https://github.com/splitice/radical-blog/zipball/master


Ive been developing a php framework now for over a year. Mostly for my own use in paid projects but recently I have been working on standardization for a public audience.

Im looking for anyone who is interested in assisting as a member of the team with development (or documentation in the form of docblocks if you want). There is still quite a bit remaining.

Just to show you examples of what the framework can do:
Example Model
Example Controller
Example Recognizer
Example Form (Event Based)

Rough feature overview:

  • Modular admin panel with modules automatic administration modules for database etc
  • User authentication modules
  • Session modules
  • Cache modules
  • Threading and CLI modules
  • MVC Pattern
  • Form Builder
  • API System with JS class and support for JSON, XML and PHP serialisation with additional support for custom methods
  • Fully Functioning DBAL and ORM (Active Record, with JS API)
  • Deploy Script
  • Overriding / Filter system using class overloads
  • SQL Builder
  • Unit Testing
  • Automatic Documentation
  • UTF8 Support

Lots more, its a large library but with the main focus being on reducing lines of code, and increasing programmer efficiency. In addition following the Object Orientated principals is very important.

What I want are people who want to assist in the development of this framework as a publically released project. Development will be conducted via GIT and PivotTracker.

- Example Projects (HTML, PHP, CSS)
- * Simple Blog
- Project Leads for site creation and design (HTML, PHP, CSS)
- Framework Development and Testing
- Documentation (PHPDoc & Wiki)
- Namespace and Class Design
- Branding and Style

Hoping to find interested people, planning for an alpha before the end of the year. Many hands make light work. And of course get your name or handle included in the CONTRIBUTORS document.

0.x - development branch (even the stable releases in this branch arent going to be perfect)
1.x - stable brach

Sub-Versioning tags:
internal - just a preview, not complete
alpha - unstable but got some real features developed. not really publicly usable (general public).
beta - public beta, should work for most people. Bug fixing and further minor feature development.
RC - final testing stages before stable. No new features.
-[patch_level] - final release for that version. Only really important patches will be applied.
SplitIce Reviewed by SplitIce on . RAD Framework RADical PHP Framework *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* NOTE: This framework is no longer developed. It was a great experience, for the latest version see the GitHub project link, occasional bug fixes and minor improvements if requested or required for existing projects will be uploaded. For More information: here *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Project Link: https://github.com/splitice/radical-php Radical PHP Rating: 5