I have VB 3.8

I modified my "class_bbcode.php" file. The modification that was performed, was to the "handle_bbcode_url" function in the file. The function was modified so that when url's are posted in posts, that the url's are displayed as clickable thumbnail images (of the site they are linking to), instead of just clickable hyperlinks.

The original code in the "handle_bbcode_url" function that made it display clickable hyperlinks is still there, it is just now commented out so it is not active.

My problem is, in user signatures, any url's there are also displaying as clickable thumbnail images now, and I want url's in the signatures to display as clickable hyperlinks.

Please provide a quote to perform the work needed to make url's in signatures display as clickable hyperlinks, while keeping the url's in the posts as clickable thumbnail images like they are now.

DOPE Reviewed by DOPE on . Help with class-bbcode.php I have VB 3.8 I modified my "class_bbcode.php" file. The modification that was performed, was to the "handle_bbcode_url" function in the file. The function was modified so that when url's are posted in posts, that the url's are displayed as clickable thumbnail images (of the site they are linking to), instead of just clickable hyperlinks. The original code in the "handle_bbcode_url" function that made it display clickable hyperlinks is still there, it is just now commented out so it Rating: 5