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    Respected Developer
    "Only 5 MP camera?" It's not exactly designed as a camera. Do you go around on your holidays or at parties taking pictures with a huge iPad or do you use a smartphone like an iPhone like normal people?

    Yes it's a fail overpriced upgrade that will only outsell all other tablets by a factor of 10 and increase Apples lead as the most valuable company in the world.
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    It's not really about the camera, that's just something they threw in for the sake of throwing it in (as you said, who takes pictures with an iPad?). It's about the new quadcore GPU, the epic resolution and the almost double battery capacity (25->45watt).

    To the idiot saying, and I quote, "should have made it a 10mp or 12.1mp", you're nothing more than an idiot who knows nothing about cameras or how they work.


    Wow a new ifad and still a fuck couldn't no be given

    People who waste their money on this apple branding because thats why they are so expensive are idiots the prices for some of their stuff is ridiculous you can buy the same thing just without the fagish apple logo for almost half the damn price
    Signature too big, removed by staff.

    Heh, show me a tablet with a better screen and a better GPU. Not to mention the obvious superiority of iOS apps to any other mobile platform...

    Respected Developer
    Quote Originally Posted by shadow.prx View Post
    People who waste their money on this apple branding because thats why they are so expensive are idiots the prices for some of their stuff is ridiculous you can buy the same thing just without the fagish apple logo for almost half the damn price
    Ya and you can buy walmart own brand cola which is the same as Coke and Pepsi but is a fraction of the price. So why does Coke and Pepsi do so well?

    It's the same argument. It's more expensive, it's practically the exact same but you'll have people who notice the slight difference, the advertising, the brand, or just like to be seen buying the more expensive and pay more.

    Look if people have the money they earned let them spend it and do what they want. If it makes them happy why should it bother you or anyone else. If your happy with Walmart Cola or even Pepsi (Android) that's fine. This does not make you an idiot.
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    mmm mmm!
    I don't care.. I'm still quite happy with my iPhone 4.
    HATERS GONNA probably bring up some valid points considering I am an ignorant little twat so far up my own ass that i blame my problems on everyone and if you criticize me you're automatically wrong.

    Doing things differently.
    Hmm, only had my iPad2 like afew months at that.

    I don't use it stupidly loads, so i won't be upgrading, well not untill my eyes are alot better than they are at the moment.
    //Fatal error: found object, can't execute, no earn = must kill self..

    What is the price on this?

    well that won't force me to upgrade, 5 mins of whining about the better screen apps and lte
    I'll stick to my ipad2
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    I'm not getting a tablet untill Windows 7 is on it with a fast awsome system. Then I attach a keyboard and can use software like on a normal desktop... then when the mouse/keyboard is disconnected it turns into Windows 8's tablet display (Windows 7 display when mouse/keyboard in) ... that'd be the future for both users and developers

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