Well i figured id make a tutorial just to help expand this forum.

A lot of you people will say this is very easy to do and why did i even post this?

Well this may be easy to you but to others its not


To start things off what are we doing first of all?

We are going to create a SSH Key for Authentication

Why do we need to create a ssh key for authentication?

Using ssh keys increases your servers security from malicious users

Step 1.

Easy way to get it done with in a matter of seconds

Go to your Website.com:2086

And to the left in the Frame there will be a text called

Manage SSH Keys located in Security

Example Link

Once you are there you will see the text

Generate New Key

You will then click that

you will then see a form stating

Key Name (defaults to id_dsa):

Key Password (blank for none):

Password (Again):

key name is just want you are wanting to call it

key Password is the password you are wanting to use to connect to ssh

and password again is the same pass you typed in Key Password

Then you will specify DSA or RSA and key size


Key Type = DSA
Key size = 1024

After typing in the information provided click Generate New key

your Key has now been added to the public key list what we need to do now is authorize it

Go back to the Manage SSH Manager page

And you will now see your Key Name that you specified when you created the key


William unauthorized Delete key View Key Authorize key

You are going to want to click Authorize Key

After doing so go back to Manage SSH page and then click

Under Private Keys

View/Download keys

Once you done that you will see a lot of information type in your password to convert it to .ppk format .ppk is a extension Putty uses.

You will now see new text copy all of that information go to anywhere on your computer example


make a new text file call it whatever you want and paste that text inside the .txt file after doing that download putty here


save the text file as something.ppk

Open up Putty then click SSH then Auth and under browse go to where you placed the .ppk file and select it

After doing that go back up to Session type in your IP and then port click Open it will then ask you what is your pass for your .ppk file the pass is what you chose when you first created the ssh key

And whola you have just created a SSH key

Hope this helps someone out there Need any help pm me or just reply here
William Palmer Reviewed by William Palmer on . Creating SSH Auth keys Well i figured id make a tutorial just to help expand this forum. A lot of you people will say this is very easy to do and why did i even post this? Well this may be easy to you but to others its not :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To start things off what are we doing first of all? Rating: 5