Oulee is proud to announce our fully-automatic backups!

Every day or once a week (depending on your package choice), Oulee will automatically back up your website. There's nothing to administer or remember; or even download Oulee does everything automatically for you! Backups are stored securely and remotely for complete protection.

MySQL databases

Oulee will even automatically back up MySQL databases at the same time as your website.

Supports all web apps and web hosts

Wordpress user? Or perhaps another blog, shopping cart or forum? No worries: if you can FTP to your website, our system can automatically back up anything you can throw at it!

File history

Oulee doesn't just back up your website; Oulee even archives it. Need to restore your website from two months ago? No worries it's all there.

Easily restore your website

You'll have your website back up and running in minutes after a crash. Just choose which version you want to restore and you'll be able to get your site back online in no time.

Advanced features

  • Loads of advanced settings
  • Exclude folders, file types or database tables
  • Restore individual files
  • Delete old backups
  • Download your files in secured .zip files

Packages are available from only $4.99 per month, never loose your site!

ceekeigh Reviewed by ceekeigh on . Oulee.com : Oulee Backups starting at $4.99 Oulee is proud to announce our fully-automatic backups! Every day or once a week (depending on your package choice), Oulee will automatically back up your website. There's nothing to administer or remember; or even download Oulee does everything automatically for you! Backups are stored securely and remotely for complete protection. MySQL databases Oulee will even automatically back up MySQL databases at the same time as your website. Rating: 5