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    Default iPhone apps and tweaks

    Hello KWWH

    I have both iphone4s 32 and i have jailbroken already.
    I need some good apps and tweaks from cydia, installous or app store?

    Can you share with us your tweaks and apps from where you get them in cydia Sources?
    lig}{tning Reviewed by lig}{tning on . iPhone apps and tweaks Hello KWWH I have both iphone4s 32 and i have jailbroken already. I need some good apps and tweaks from cydia, installous or app store? Can you share with us your tweaks and apps from where you get them in cydia Sources? Rating: 5
    Woman asks: If I sleep with 3 men, everyone calls me a slut.But when a man sleeps with 8 girls, everyone calls him a real man.How come?
    Wiseman replies: 'It's very simple. When one lock can be opened by 3 different keys, it's a bad lock. But when one key can open 8 different locks, we call it a master key'

  2.   Sponsored Links

    Doing things differently.

    ( checks phone )

    AskToCall ( you need to swipe to call, ie, stops phone ringing random people in pocket lol )
    //Fatal error: found object, can't execute, no earn = must kill self..

    GeeZus please can you share the cydia sources?
    Woman asks: If I sleep with 3 men, everyone calls me a slut.But when a man sleeps with 8 girls, everyone calls him a real man.How come?
    Wiseman replies: 'It's very simple. When one lock can be opened by 3 different keys, it's a bad lock. But when one key can open 8 different locks, we call it a master key'

    Quote Originally Posted by GeeZus View Post
    AskToCall ( you need to swipe to call, ie, stops phone ringing random people in pocket lol )

    lol this happend to me many times when i had nokia back in the days
    Woman asks: If I sleep with 3 men, everyone calls me a slut.But when a man sleeps with 8 girls, everyone calls him a real man.How come?
    Wiseman replies: 'It's very simple. When one lock can be opened by 3 different keys, it's a bad lock. But when one key can open 8 different locks, we call it a master key'

    Doing things differently.
    Sources: ( not the best btw )
    //Fatal error: found object, can't execute, no earn = must kill self..

    thanks GeeZus

    please share more apps boys
    Woman asks: If I sleep with 3 men, everyone calls me a slut.But when a man sleeps with 8 girls, everyone calls him a real man.How come?
    Wiseman replies: 'It's very simple. When one lock can be opened by 3 different keys, it's a bad lock. But when one key can open 8 different locks, we call it a master key'


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