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10th Sep 2009, 03:00 PM #1OPRespected Developer
IPB 2.3.x thanks points to IPB 3.0.x reputation
Probably one of the most popular mods for IPB 2.3.x was the Thanks Mod Advanced/Lite. Unfortionatly for those that updated their board to 3.0.x they had to start over with IPB's native reputation system causing all members to loose their hard earned Thanks points.
I had the same issue so I created a little script to take the old Thanks points and add them to the users reputation points*. This will only work for those that updated from IPB 2 to 3. If you started fresh with IPB 3 the Thanks points are lost...
1) Create a new php file in your forum root folder and call the file thanks_to_rep.php.
2) Open the file, add the following code to it and save the file:
PHP Code:<?php
/* Thanks to Reputation script for IPB 3.0.x */
/* ----------------------------------------- */
/* By Hyperz - */
// Load DB config
// Connect...
mysql_connect($INFO['sql_host'], $INFO['sql_user'], $INFO['sql_pass']) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($INFO['sql_database']) or die(mysql_error());
// Grab
$pre = $INFO['sql_tbl_prefix'];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT `member_id`, `thanks_point` FROM `" . $pre . "members` " .
"WHERE `thanks_point` > 0") or die(mysql_error());
$i = 0;
// Thanks points to reputation
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
// Add to user reputation
mysql_query("UPDATE `" . $pre . "profile_portal` SET `pp_reputation_points`=`pp_reputation_points`+" . $row['thanks_point'] . " " .
"WHERE `pp_member_id`='" . $row['member_id'] . "'") or die(mysql_error());
// Drop the old column
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `" . $pre . "members` DROP COLUMN `thanks_point`") or die(mysql_error());
// Done! You now owe Hyperz a cookie (:
echo '<span style="margin:5px;font-family:Verdana">All done! Added reputation for <i>' . $i . '</i> users.<br /><br /> <a href="" title="Script by Hyperz @ Code-Projects" target="_blank"></a></span>'
4) Done! Remove the thanks_to_rep.php file...
* Script tested on IPB 3.0.3, the Thanks Mod I used on my old IPB 2 board was Thanks Mod Advanced 2.3 (well, a modded propz version of it).
Enjoy peoples.
Hyperz Reviewed by Hyperz on . IPB 2.3.x thanks points to IPB 3.0.x reputation Probably one of the most popular mods for IPB 2.3.x was the Thanks Mod Advanced/Lite. Unfortionatly for those that updated their board to 3.0.x they had to start over with IPB's native reputation system causing all members to loose their hard earned Thanks points. I had the same issue so I created a little script to take the old Thanks points and add them to the users reputation points*. This will only work for those that updated from IPB 2 to 3. If you started fresh with IPB 3 the Thanks Rating: 5
10th Sep 2009, 07:58 PM #2OPRespected Developer
By the way, if anyone uses the script could you be so kind to reply and tell me if it worked for you or not since I only got to test it @ my site. I'd like to know it it works in all cases like with the Lite and Ajax version of the Thanks mod. Thanks
6th Oct 2009, 09:23 PM #3Member
This is a great script, look i have IPB 2.3 and thanks lite ajax, this script works too for this mod? .
6th Oct 2009, 10:13 PM #4OPRespected Developer
Haven't tested it with the Lite version. I think it does, however, you won't know till you try. If you do try it let me know if it worked.
6th Oct 2009, 10:21 PM #5Super Member
Can I have your brain pls
So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3
6th Oct 2009, 10:29 PM #6BannedWebsite's:
thanks buddy
6th Oct 2009, 10:38 PM #7Member
I got my 1500+ Thanks back!!!
6th Oct 2009, 10:41 PM #8MemberWebsite's:
FlowForums.comNice little script very helpful!
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