
Anyone interested in banner or link exchange? I'm looking for new partners...

Banner exchange
If you have a website/blog and want to exchange banners with us, please add one of the below banners. After you add, please PM me or post your website and banner here so I can add yours also.
468x60 - 120x60 - 88x31

Link exchange
If you prefer link exchange, please add our link. After you add, please PM me or post your website here so I can add yours also.
PHP Code: 
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Sex Fans"><b>Sex Fans</b></a
Porn sites only!
Divvy Reviewed by Divvy on . - Looking for banner/link exchange Website: Anyone interested in banner or link exchange? I'm looking for new partners... Banner exchange If you have a website/blog and want to exchange banners with us, please add one of the below banners. After you add, please PM me or post your website and banner here so I can add yours also. 468x60 - 120x60 - 88x31 Rating: 5