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    Default Looking for help to build a non-profit sharing site.

    Hi guys. Ive just been messing with a new site based on phpBB3 with an artodia Deluxe theme. I am looking for someone who is able to implement new banners, logos, icons, links, widgets etc and a portal into the site.

    Its going to be a music site (Old-school), no ads, no referrals etc... just music, music vids, music software... thats all! Just a basic site with no frills and spills just for sharing... not moneymaking!

    Im thinking about making it "Membership by Invite Only" too...... thats just an idea for now!

    I want to go back to the real root of w@r$z where sharing was the topic... not money!

    If anyone thinks that they could or would help me, please PM me or leave a reply here and I will get back to you. Obviously, I will also be looking for staff at a later date but whoever helps with the original set-up will have first refusal for a position. I may be able to pay... but this is one thing that should be secondary when replying and not just a way of making a few pennies now the filehosts are not paying!

    Cheers Guys for any comments (constructive or negative)
    arko66 Reviewed by arko66 on . Looking for help to build a non-profit sharing site. Hi guys. Ive just been messing with a new site based on phpBB3 with an artodia Deluxe theme. I am looking for someone who is able to implement new banners, logos, icons, links, widgets etc and a portal into the site. Its going to be a music site (Old-school), no ads, no referrals etc... just music, music vids, music software... thats all! Just a basic site with no frills and spills just for sharing... not moneymaking! Im thinking about making it "Membership by Invite Only" too...... Rating: 5

  2.   Sponsored Links

    I had a similar idea like a month ago or so, but it never came to realization because of:

    • File Inactivity

    It was my biggest problem, not only because I thought to make it somewhat of a blog, but also because both file hosts I planned to use (MediaFire and RapidShare) had either 30 days inactivity period or something similar. It wouldn't be much of a problem for smaller files up to 100MB, but it would for films, tv series, animes and docus.

    • People like different things

    I don't mind listening to something different or watching a musical even though I prefer thrillers. But that's not the case with most people, they don't like to change their habits - and if they think they're "metalheads" that's what they are and no one can change their minds. So, if you don't like a certain band or a certain film, would you upload it? I know I wouldn't, because then it wouldn't project created from love, it would be a project merely created from boredom, to help people who can't use Google.

    Here are the project details:

    • (I didn't lease the domain name - it's available!)
    • Website would run on the .org gTLD. (Only because com stands for commercial, and net stands for network - and this website isn't either)
    • It wouldn't be Indexed on any search engine, i.e. Google.
    • It wouldn't use any tracking js/image code either.
    • Commenting, posting and user registration wouldn't be allowed just to prevent people from finding out who is using the website.
    • It would provide clean "Buy now" links to support musicians, directors, writers and their distributors.


    Media Listing:
    Try it out / Buy it now:
    About (contains a lot of info) :
    FAQs (very helpful) :

    I wouldn't mind if someone wishes to continue the project (without my help) or borrow some of its ideas for his own project!

    Good luck,

    Hahah... sounds like my topic just got hijacked!
    Although I do agree with some of the points above, i.e..... the site wont be indexed by google and so on. It would be based on the old-fashioned Community forum.... where a common interest can be shared. Autoposters will be a thing of the past, no annoying ads all over the place, and definately no members whining about how much money they lost through their uploads! (I just had to get that last part in! haha,)

    Anyway... is there anyone that has some ideas that arent as long as the previous post? and is relevant to my request?

    Well, sorry if you thought that my intentions were bad. But they honestly weren't. I just wanted to share the whole idea (to me, undeveloped ideas are worthless) and its outcome as well. Sometimes, the outcome alone isn't enough - you need to know the background and the point where it failed.

    I'm not saying that you shouldn't continue with your project, but you should be aware that you will be experiencing a lot of problems when you finish with the development of the website. One of the main problems after the file inactivity, will be the users, if you make an honest "sharing is caring" website without any help from other websites (Search Engines & Social Network) you'll need more than luck to get the things going - you'd basically need to be one of those happy people with a lot of friends who are looking for a good community.

    Good luck either way you look at it, but think it through.

    i bet you didn't even read his post .... he didn't hijacked your thread, he said that he wanted to make the same project as you and give you some ideas

    I didnt take any offence what-so-ever mate... thats why i put haha at the end. I actually liked the comments you made and found them very constructive rather than the usual drab of poxy remarks that most threads seem to get nowadays. I am basically just "happy-go-lucky" type of bloke that will spend what I need to just keep a site ticking over. I dont expect or want a membership of 100K +, even though that would be nice, just a site to feel that members want to be there just for the sake of sharing and sharing alone among themselves. Nowadays there is no loyalty due to the amounts of cash floating around and everyone trying to grab it from thousands of different avenues. Another idea, although its maybe my mind doing overtime, would be to try and create files that reproduce a different key value once loaded to a filehost so that it never stays the same to stop deletion/copyright infringement. i.e. a file that automatically alters its size and properties upon compression to make it look as though, in this case, a music album. Know what I mean? Im finding it hard to explain myself but I know what I mean... hahahaha!

    @t3odor... I did actually!... but you replied whilst I was typing this response! Why Im answering that I dont know? I think I put something about poxy remarks somewhere didnt I?

    i was waiting for this opportunity for this $$ hosts to go down. there is no way you could have competed with the rich sites and their bots.
    i was harbouring the idea starting a blog hosting files on mediafire,rapidshare etc. i`m up for any contribution i can give to (your sites as well as this thread).

    files getting deleted after 30 days is not a problem for me.i will have backups ready.most of my files are not > 30 hopefully, i can pull it off.

    i`m against not allowing google on the site though

    waiting for tips from peeps who have been there and done it.!


    NS:main intention of posting here was to discuss this wonderful idea from like minded people and to make myself "part of the discussion"

    Thanks for the support and like minded idea... same as SuicidalMedia and myself.... mebbe its the start of a new era? Will all have to keep in touch with the ideas and maybe build on that!

    Sorry, as you can already see - I'm not a people person, I couldn't realize in what state you wrote your reply, lol.

    Anyhow, randomly named zip/rar password protected archives are a good way to go, especially if you don't plan on having the password displayed publicly (to guests) - that should actually keep the files from getting deleted because of copyright infringement. But then again, as I already told you - file deletion will be a big problem.

    Just to reply on the rest of the posts:
    Whether there are file hosts with the affiliate program or not, it doesn't (shouldn't) make a difference to people like us. People who don't agree that everything should be used as a way to gain money and power, dont need for the bad people to stop killing, robbing, raping and hurting other people. They just need to make a change, so there's no need for the "I was just waiting for the file hosts to remove affiliate programs" posts, people making money off warez isn't as bad as people pulling medical scams on senior citizens. It's just a way to make money, nothing else. It's normal to be against it. But using it as an excuse to not do good things is absurd.

    OK... I agree and understand but I think we have to cut the topic of filehosting due to the amount of threads already here... and I dont want to talk about that at all. All Im saying is that my site will not contain any revenue from outsifde sources. If members are going to leech and make money from the site, thats up to them... all those little details can be discussed later.

    Added after 6 Hours 34 minutes:

    So... back to my thread title! Can anyone help me?

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