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    Quote Originally Posted by WD View Post
    The answer is no. So how can you all call filehosts scammer's now?
    Sorry Sir, but you can actually call them scammers, since they kept what is your money.

    You get hired for a job (even if it is illegal), you don't get paid = you got scammed.
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    Quote Originally Posted by seraphim View Post
    They are not scamers for not paying uploaders (in fact they are but that is not ipmortant you made your point). They are scamers because they were selling service till the last hour and than ran away. Imagine that someone bought lifetime premium just before they decided not to work anymore. Believe it or not, not all the people use them for warez, some companies use them to transfer files. Now they are with no service and with no money they gave for it.
    Fileserve is deleting premium accounts with no files at all. I dont care anymore, i earned some money and now is time to do something else.
    While I do feel sorry for legitimate users, I am sure all the filehosts have acted, well within their terms of service. Some people fail to realise that when you register or purchase an account with a filehost, they usually reserve the right to terminate or suspend it, most of the time, without reason.

    So you are complaining about an action that you essentially agreed too. All I have to say is: tough shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Miguel View Post
    Sorry Sir, but you can actually call them scammers, since they kept what is your money.

    You get hired for a job (even if it is illegal), you don't get paid = you got scammed.

    So you tried to earn money doing something illegal and did not get paid.

    You can not compare the perceived earnings from uploading with earnings from that of legitimate employment because with legitimate employment you did not break the law or violate any Terms of Service.

    And if you go to work doing something illegal and get caught you usually pay a fine and/or go to jail. So consider the money you did not get paid your fine and move on.

    Read their TOS, all those filehosts reserve the right to terminate accounts at their own discretion or change their policies without notice. Of course it's very unfortunate for those users who purchased a premium recently, especially an extended premium account, but that's as they say part of life.

    And for the idiot who says: "You get hired for a job (even if it is illegal), you don't get paid = you got scammed."

    Exactly when did THEY themselves hire you to upload copyrighted material to their servers? They provided the facilities and incentives for you to upload your legally owned files. It's true that they advertised on a known warez-webmaster forum, bad advertising on their part, but even so they never contracted with you telling you to upload stuff.

    YOU were the one who formed a contract with them when you registered, to abide by their TOS which clearly states that they do NOT allow users to upload files for which you do not own the copyright to.

    So in essence, you're just another one of the cash-whore uploaders crying about your lost income which wasn't yours to begin with.
    This is the staff, you have been banned

    lol at crybabies whining about lost 20$ in countless threads.
    I lost over 1000$ from last week alone,but instead of whining on forums i'm adjusting my sites.
    Game's over, rules changed. get over it and think about how you can capitalize on it.

    Stupid thread.

    We know damn well EVERY single filehost turns a blind eye to infringing material, unless their hand is forced.

    Point is NONE of these filehosts would be in business if it wasn't for their uploaders = they deserve their taste of the profit.

    And no ones going to jail for uploading a movie, even a thousand movies

    Quote Originally Posted by WDF View Post
    Don't they cut off your hands in some countries for theft.
    Sometimes, they cut more than just hands!

    There is reply from File Sonic Marko when he answear on question:"Sir can we upload full games,movies etc? answear from Marko:"Yes you can" if you dont belive me search throught his post.Anyway problem is that they are not follow they TOS bcz uploaders have bean uploading warez more than a year and braging on KWWH with ss and tutorial etc so i am angry on them for not banning me 9 month before i start working with them now i wouldnt have dirty hand with warez!WHY FILESONIC didnt ban me before acordinaly to their TOS???Because they fucking now that their is nothing on net without copyright even my weeding is copyrighted from my wife (just example not in marriage) they even delete mozzila and chrome which is open source app...

    To resume:They are not following they TOS how than expect we to follow than?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan View Post
    lol at crybabies whining about lost 20$ in countless threads.
    I lost over 1000$ from last week alone,but instead of whining on forums i'm adjusting my sites.
    Game's over, rules changed. get over it and think about how you can capitalize on it.

    You got to go with the flow. Someone suggested redirecting warez site traffic to legit site for adsense traffic.

    Quote Originally Posted by pennyyellow View Post
    Stupid thread.

    We know damn well EVERY single filehost turns a blind eye to infringing material, unless their hand is forced.

    Point is NONE of these filehosts would be in business if it wasn't for their uploaders = they deserve their taste of the profit.

    And no ones going to jail for uploading a movie, even a thousand movies

    Whether you go to jail for uploading or not it is illegal to traffic copyrighted material you do not own the copyright or distribution rights to, period! No file host is going to go to jail for you or anyone else to make money from doing that. Yes they can and will go to jail, ask Kim DotCom right now if he is in jail for hosting cash whore files.

    The real POINT is it is a done deal and you or I have no recourse of any kind. You can be bitter, hurt, angry, or whatever it will not change it or bring it back.

    Time to get off your "I am an Uploader" asses and adapt to the new times.

    Wow that felt good!

    Sorry for venting in public!

    Quote Originally Posted by pennyyellow View Post
    Stupid thread.

    We know damn well EVERY single filehost turns a blind eye to infringing material, unless their hand is forced.

    Point is NONE of these filehosts would be in business if it wasn't for their uploaders = they deserve their taste of the profit.

    And no ones going to jail for uploading a movie, even a thousand movies
    Actually your point is correct too! Most upload to earn!

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