The SOPA bill (Stop Online Piracy Act), is a vile peice of corrupt legislation that should have never been introduced in the first place. Luckily, the Internet is comprised of smart people who are good at voicing their opinion, especially when it comes to gamers. Many insisted that their favorite game developers and publishers oppose SOPA, but opposition to this bill should have been in place by game companies from the beginning.

?To be against SOPA today is like saying ?I?m against dictatorship?. Where were all these developers like Bungie and Epic when SOPA was first introduced??Over the past week, dozens of developers and publishers have joined the anti-SOPA movement, some because of pressure from their customers, others simply because it?s now ?cool? and will get you respect from gamers ? respect which was never really earned.

To be against SOPA today is like saying ?I?m against dictatorship?. Where were all these developers like Bungie and Epic when SOPA was first introduced? Companies like Google and Facebook opposed SOPA from the beginning, notifying their users and customers of their stance, explaining what the bill means, showing what the effects of it might be, etc.

Where were the game developers and game publishers then? Oh that?s right, they were supporting it ? directly or indirectly through their trade organization ESA. Now that SOPA has been revealed to the mainstream audience (which includes gamers) for what it is, it?s easy to score points by opposing it. Credit should go to those who helped shed light on SOPA (and the Internet activists), credit should go to those companies who were the first to take a stance against it, not the current horde of developers and publishers who are simply jumping on the bandwagon to get some karma points from gamers. The current trend is not a company policy, it?s a marketing policy. It?s decided by PR departments to come out against SOPA because it?ll look good on the company.

The game developers and publishers we?re seeing these days coming out against SOPA is nothing but a massive Internet karma-whoring trend. They should have opposed it from the beginning. When it wasn?t cool.

nForc3r Reviewed by nForc3r on . Coming out against SOPA now is simply karma whoring The SOPA bill (Stop Online Piracy Act), is a vile peice of corrupt legislation that should have never been introduced in the first place. Luckily, the Internet is comprised of smart people who are good at voicing their opinion, especially when it comes to gamers. Many insisted that their favorite game developers and publishers oppose SOPA, but opposition to this bill should have been in place by game companies from the beginning. ?To be against SOPA today is like saying ?I?m against Rating: 5