Hi all, i have managed a couple thousand online advertising accounts over the past few years and many of those businesses had SEO campaigns running. The skill to keeping the client onside with SEO like with everything else is being truefull. There are so many poor performers claiming to be the best that SEO has been given a bad name so be truefull. There is no guarantee to get anyone on page one, you don't manage Google. There are only a few positions on page one of the results and behind each position is a person or team working hard to keep it there while others are trying to drag them down. Its a race and like in a race when you first start running your aim is to get to the lead pack and first position if you can. You start off navigating your way through the competitors and depending on how well the others are running you eventuall make it to the lead pack. The client must realise that by choosing you to run their SEO campaign they are backing your skills to run this race for them against the skills of the other SEO teams behind the other competitors, dont start the race until they understand this. This appraoch will also help decrease the number of clients who want to stop the campaign when they reach page one, it happens. tell them if we stop running everyone else even the poor performers will pass us, is that what you want? Get them onside with the truth before you start and they will undrstand the gains an losses along the way with greater appreciation. Another thing to remeber is that there is always someone better at hwat ever you do and they likely charge more so your client is selecting your service as it meets their budget restrictions. They ought to understand this too. Knowing what you're doing allows them to actually enjoy the race and spur you on rather than stressing you out and giving you bad press. www.onlineconsultancy.com.au