Internet will be a desert only to be used as advertizing platform for Sony and similar. What they don't realize, is, that they wouldn't be where they are, without piracy.And that is, multitrillion dollar corporations.

Imagine this:

that no piracy ever was, in the first place...
No internet would be, as we know it, none of those companies supporting and fighting piracy would be so wide known, if piracy didn't advertize them for free.
Plain example: I bought PC for my 10 year old kid. WOULD I spend thousands of dollars, buying original software (Windows, Photoshop, Corel) , so my kid get some skills and education, before he is mature enough to start earning money, and pays his software as well? Would any of us be here without piracy? I should actually start supporting SOPA, so, their own sword turns against them, when they start loosing profit with insane speed.
Idiots don't realize, that no one in the world would hear about their products, if there was no piracy, to advertize their products on every step on the internet. People would't get education to use their software, if they just learned about it inside their school classes. No one would know about so many music groups, if there was no internet to spread their releases. I would never, ever in my life heard of Jim Jones and his album True Blood, if it wasn't pirated, and since I liked that album, I bought it. Same goes for Call of Duty, game. If I never felt how good is gameplay, I would never either heard of that game, or bought it in the first place. Same goes for hardware. Progress wouldn't be made with such speed, if there was no piracy, because games wouldn't be sold in those huge amounts, so, there would be no money for better, hardware hungry releases, no new GFX cards. It's all connected, it's one symbiotic organism that works well, piracy is a parasite, that doesn't destroy, how they think it is, it a good parasite, that adverts stuff for free, gives opportunity to test before you buy something, it gives you opportunity to educate yourself for free, and prosper. I don't see those companies going bankrupt over years, I see them prospering, making record amounts of money each year. So, I would like to ask them: WTF? Are you fucking insane? Are you willing to kill yourself, because you don't see the bigger picture here? Puzzle is far bigger, from what you are imagining. Killing piracy completely, is shooting yourself. You wouldn't be here, where you are, without it. It's like, oh, we don't need longues for breathing, lets remove it. For fucks sake, you wouldn't be where you are, without piracy, however you want to present it, good or bad, that is a FACT.

Illegal is only what government decides it is illegal. Always keep that in mind.

Weed is legalized in few countries, and there, it is legal. In others it isn't. Simply, different people have different beliefs, what is good and what is bad. We (many) are regulated by few, who are going to teach us what is good, and what is bad. But that is their opinion. Not every illegal thing is necessarily bad, sometimes it is only blind mind, or profit, that says some shit is illegal. Weed in America was USED as a medicine, and poof, all of a sudden, it is illegal. Orly? Why SOPA wasn't introduced at first sign of piracy, at the beginnings of BBS boards? Why now, after 20+ years of it?

/rant over