I found this when googling about pluginless solution for cleaning up your post/page titles from stopwords. on the themes function.php file, before the closing ( ?> ), add this code snippet.

PHP Code: 
remove_false_words($slug) {
    if (!
is_admin()) return $slug;
$slug explode('-'$slug);
    foreach (
$slug as $k => $word) {
//false words list separated for commas
$keys_false 'a,about,above,across,after,again,against,all,almost,alone,along,already,also';
$keys explode(','$keys_false);
        foreach (
$keys as $l => $wordfalse) {
            if (
$word==$wordfalse) {

you can get list of stop words anywhere on the internet.

Note: This will automatically change your old posts url only if you edit them, so you don't have to worry about 404 errors

Source: WPSnipp.com
Rocke Reviewed by Rocke on . [WordPress] Remove Stopwords for Better SEO I found this when googling about pluginless solution for cleaning up your post/page titles from stopwords. on the themes function.php file, before the closing ( ?> ), add this code snippet. add_filter('sanitize_title', 'remove_false_words'); function remove_false_words($slug) { if (!is_admin()) return $slug; $slug = explode('-', $slug); foreach ($slug as $k => $word) { //false words list separated for commas $keys_false = Rating: 5