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18th Dec 2011, 05:29 PM #1OPMember
[WordPress] Remove Stopwords for Better SEO
I found this when googling about pluginless solution for cleaning up your post/page titles from stopwords. on the themes function.php file, before the closing ( ?> ), add this code snippet.
PHP Code:add_filter('sanitize_title', 'remove_false_words');
function remove_false_words($slug) {
if (!is_admin()) return $slug;
$slug = explode('-', $slug);
foreach ($slug as $k => $word) {
//false words list separated for commas
$keys_false = 'a,about,above,across,after,again,against,all,almost,alone,along,already,also';
$keys = explode(',', $keys_false);
foreach ($keys as $l => $wordfalse) {
if ($word==$wordfalse) {
return implode('-', $slug);
Note: This will automatically change your old posts url only if you edit them, so you don't have to worry about 404 errors
Source: WPSnipp.comRocke Reviewed by Rocke on . [WordPress] Remove Stopwords for Better SEO I found this when googling about pluginless solution for cleaning up your post/page titles from stopwords. on the themes function.php file, before the closing ( ?> ), add this code snippet. add_filter('sanitize_title', 'remove_false_words'); function remove_false_words($slug) { if (!is_admin()) return $slug; $slug = explode('-', $slug); foreach ($slug as $k => $word) { //false words list separated for commas $keys_false = Rating: 5
18th Dec 2011, 05:45 PM #2Just Another Coder
Well I guess I will give it a shot
Good share.
18th Dec 2011, 05:47 PM #3Member
Didn't know abt this!
18th Dec 2011, 05:58 PM #4Member
can you explain a bit about it......??
stop word related to SEO........?? howSkipp the Adfly Adfocus LinksBucks by one click(No Ads, No pop up's)
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19th Dec 2011, 02:54 AM #5OPMember
I'm following the idea of that stop words are bad for SEO from 'Clean SEO Slugs' and Slug Optimizer Feature in 'SEO Ultimate' plugin, the writer of both plugin stated that stop words are redundant and unnecessary information in the eye of search engines, so cleaning them from your post / page titles will make it 'keyword rich' which will help your post / page to rank.
For example, you have 'How to Write a Nice Article' for a post / page title, if you don't clean the stop words then your slug will be 'how-to-write-a-nice-article'... it's long and filled with unnecessary information, after you clean up the stop words it will be 'write-nice-article'... which is exactly the idea in your post / page.
Personally, I prefer to not use a plugin for a simple fix if there's a generic solution like this.
12th Feb 2012, 01:27 AM #6OPMember
List of stop words, taken from 'SEO Slugs' plugin.
a, able, about, above, abroad, according, accordingly, across, actually, adj, after, afterwards, again, against, ago, ahead, aint, all, allow, allows, almost, alone, along, alongside, already, also, although, always, am, amid, amidst, among, amongst, an, and, another, any, anybody, anyhow, anyone, anything, anyway, anyways, anywhere, apart, appear, appreciate, appropriate, are, arent, around, as, aside, ask, asking, associated, at, available, away, awfully, b, back, backward, backwards, be, became, because, become, becomes, becoming, been, before, beforehand, begin, behind, being, believe, below, beside, besides, best, better, between, beyond, both, brief, but, by, c, came, can, cannot, cant, caption, cause, causes, certain, certainly, changes, clearly, cmon, co, co., com, come, comes, concerning, consequently, consider, considering, contain, containing, contains, corresponding, could, couldnt, course, currently, d, dare, darent, definitely, described, despite, did, didnt, different, directly, do, does, doesnt, doing, done, dont, down, downwards, during, e, each, edu, eg, eight, eighty, either, else, elsewhere, end, ending, enough, entirely, especially, et, etc, even, ever, evermore, every, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, ex, exactly, example, except, f, fairly, far, farther, few, fewer, fifth, first, five, followed, following, follows, for, forever, former, formerly, forth, forward, found, four, from, further, furthermore, g, get, gets, getting, given, gives, go, goes, going, gone, got, gotten, greetings, h, had, hadnt, half, happens, hardly, has, hasnt, have, havent, having, he, hed, hello, help, hence, her, here, hereafter, hereby, herein, heres, hereupon, hers, herself, hes, hi, him, himself, his, hither, hopefully, how, howbeit, however, hundred, i, id, ie, if, ignored, im, immediate, in, inasmuch, inc, inc., indeed, indicate, indicated, indicates, inner, inside, insofar, instead, into, inward, is, isnt, it, itd, itll, its, its, itself, ive, j, just, k, keep, keeps, kept, know, known, knows, l, last, lately, later, latter, latterly, least, less, lest, let, lets, like, liked, likely, likewise, little, look, looking, looks, low, lower, ltd, m, made, mainly, make, makes, many, may, maybe, maynt, me, mean, meantime, meanwhile, merely, might, mightnt, mine, minus, miss, more, moreover, most, mostly, mr, mrs, much, must, mustnt, my, myself, n, name, namely, nd, near, nearly, necessary, need, neednt, needs, neither, never, neverf, neverless, nevertheless, new, next, nine, ninety, no, nobody, non, none, nonetheless, noone, no-one, nor, normally, not, nothing, notwithstanding, novel, now, nowhere, o, obviously, of, off, often, oh, ok, okay, old, on, once, one, ones, ones, only, onto, opposite, or, other, others, otherwise, ought, oughtnt, our, ours, ourselves, out, outside, over, overall, own, p, particular, particularly, past, per, perhaps, placed, please, plus, possible, presumably, probably, provided, provides, q, que, quite, qv, r, rather, rd, re, really, reasonably, recent, recently, regarding, regardless, regards, relatively, respectively, right, round, s, said, same, saw, say, saying, says, second, secondly, see, seeing, seem, seemed, seeming, seems, seen, self, selves, sensible, sent, serious, seriously, seven, several, shall, shant, she, shed, shell, shes, should, shouldnt, since, six, so, some, somebody, someday, somehow, someone, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, soon, sorry, specified, specify, specifying, still, sub, such, sup, sure, t, take, taken, taking, tell, tends, th, than, thank, thanks, thanx, that, thatll, thats, thats, thatve, the, their, theirs, them, themselves, then, thence, there, thereafter, thereby, thered, therefore, therein, therell, therere, theres, theres, thereupon, thereve, these, they, theyd, theyll, theyre, theyve, thing, things, think, third, thirty, this, thorough, thoroughly, those, though, three, through, throughout, thru, thus, till, to, together, too, took, toward, towards, tried, tries, truly, try, trying, twice, two, u, un, under, underneath, undoing, unfortunately, unless, unlike, unlikely, until, unto, up, upon, upwards, us, use, used, useful, uses, using, usually, v, value, various, versus, very, via, viz, vs, w, want, wants, was, wasnt, way, we, welcome, well, went, were, werent, weve, what, whatever, whatll, whats, whatve, when, whence, whenever, where, whereafter, whereas, whereby, wherein, wheres, whereupon, wherever, whether, which, whichever, while, whilst, whither, who, whod, whoever, whole, wholl, whom, whomever, whos, whose, why, will, willing, wish, with, within, without, wonder, wont, would, wouldnt, x, y, yes, yet, you, youd, youll, your, youre, yours, yourself, yourselves, youve, z, zero
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