
I want to sell my tv shows/trailers site.

The site: http://www.TVEpisodesVOD.com

Domain registered at GoDaddy at 29/08/11
The domain vaild until 29/08/12

TVEpisodesVOD.com is automated site to watch tv shows online.
The site have 2735 episodes online, every post include watch video online and description about the episode.
All the site is automate, so you don't need to do nothing, only to make for site.
TVEpisodesVOD have great domain, Also it's uses premium plugin to make the site automate, Beside this TVEpisodesVOD have nice looking skin with great placements to make good revenue.
Proof: http://www.tvepisodesvod.com/proof.txt


For the buyer:
I push free the domain via godaddy.
I'll send him all the site
Premium plugin included in the sale.

Price - 14.99$

Payment - Paypal / Moneybookers

MSN - aviv_amram@msn.com

ChaoscripT Reviewed by ChaoscripT on . Automated Watch TV Shows/Trailers Online Site Hi, I want to sell my tv shows/trailers site. The site: http://www.TVEpisodesVOD.com Domain: Domain registered at GoDaddy at 29/08/11 The domain vaild until 29/08/12 Rating: 5