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13th Dec 2011, 10:03 PM #11OPSuper Member
Code:vi /etc/my.cnf/
max_connections =
wait_timeout =
interactive_timeout =
then change the value of what they equal.
so for max_connections (>150)
find max_connections and change it to 150, if max_connections isn't there, add it like so:
max_connections = 300
So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3
13th Dec 2011, 10:05 PM #12JGM
Thanks buddy, you said it is better if MySQL has been running for at least 48 hours and we had the server rebooted yesterday so will try it tomorrow and see what happens.
Thanks for your help
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13th Dec 2011, 10:16 PM
It begins...
Couple suggestions for you.
MySQL Tuner tells you that your current configuration is set to utilize a maximum of 23% installed RAM. While this might appear to be an 'efficient' setup, it isn't. Technically, it's just redundant resources that you COULD use, but are NOT. Up your max_connections count. You're hitting the limit right now (150). Bring it up to around 500, you should still be within the memory limit. A good memory limit is anywhere between 60-75% of installed RAM.
You're also being suggested an Optimize operation on the tables. Tables that have a lot of 'SELECT' queries being run on them will often end up being fragmented. A scheduled optimize job is the best way to go about it. BUT, running it once in a while is good too. To do it, issue this command:
It'll automatically check, optimize, and repair all your databases. Depending on how fragmented the tables are, you may or may not notice a performance increase. But your database willCode:mysqlcheck -u USERNAME -p --auto-repair --check --optimize --all-databases
You also have an extremely (and mind you, extremely is an understatement here!) large wait and interactive timeout value. A suitable timeout value, good for MOST applications, is anywhere between 5-8 seconds. 300 and 600 seconds is overkill. Adjust that.
Increase your table_cache size to around 4000-5000 from the default 128. Adjust later as needed, based on continued review. Increase the query_cache_size to 64M; you have a lot of spare RAM.
Don't worry about persistent connections; they're fine as long as you have a reasonable timeout value specified. In fact, persistent connections are good, because with modern systems, you can raise the max_connections limit to a significantly higher amount without impacting performance a lot.
13th Dec 2011, 10:34 PM
WOW Lifetalk! Thanks for all the information! I need to leave it alone for now though until MySQL has been running for 24 hours and I will make the changes then. Sp32 said to use vi to edit stuff but how do you actually edit stuff? I have never done this before so I could do with knowing how to make a backup too before going further.
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