
I want to sell my trailers site.

The site: http://www.LatestMovieTrailers.org

Domain registered at Name.com at 04/09/2009
The domain vaild until 04/09/12

LatestMovieTrailers.org is automated site to watch trailers online.
The site using bought script. The script no needs any database/MySQL, it's run as stand alone.
All the trailers brought by trailers channel, so you don't need huge space for site or huge bandwidth.
The site is automated and every new trailer in youtube will show at LatestMovieTrailers.org, so all you have to do is marketing your site.
Proof: http://www.latestmovietrailers.org/proof.txt

Assume no huge traffic.

For the buyer:
I push free the domain via Name.com.
I'll send him all the site

Price - 11$

Payment - Paypal / Moneybookers

MSN - aviv_amram@msn.com


Added after 29 minutes:

Site SOLD.

ChaoscripT Reviewed by ChaoscripT on . Black Friday Sale - Automated Trailers Online Site - 1 Year Old Domain Hi, I want to sell my trailers site. The site: http://www.LatestMovieTrailers.org Domain: Domain registered at Name.com at 04/09/2009 The domain vaild until 04/09/12 Rating: 5