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    Default Today is the day the US congress will vote.

    Tell Congress not to censor the internet!
    Avaaz - Save the Internet: http://*******/gF7hE |

    "Google knows it. Viacom knows it. The Chamber of Commerce knows it. Internet democracy groups know it. BoingBoing knows it. But, the Internet hasn't been told yet -- we're going to get blown away by the end of the year. The worst bill in Internet history is about to become law. Law is very real here in the United States and legal language is often different than stated intentions -- this law would give government and corporations the power to block sites like BoingBoing over infringing links on at least one webpage posted by their users. Believe the EFF, Public Knowledge, Google when they say this bill is about much more than copyright, it's about the Internet and free speech everywhere.

    The MPAA, RIAA, Hollywood knows that they have been flying in CEOs of as many companies as possible, recruiting people to get petition signups at malls in California, and here's the big point-- they know they have gotten their message through to Congress -- the worst bill in Internet history, the one where government and their corporations get unbelievable power to take down sites, threaten payment processors into stopping payment to sites on a blacklist, and throw people in jail for posting ordinary content is about to pass before the end of this year. The only thing that is going to stop Hollywood from owning the Internet and everything we do, is if there is a big surprise Internet backlash starting right now.

    PROTECT IP (S. 968)/SOPA (HR. 3261) creates the first system for Internet censorship - this bill has sweeping provisions that give the government and corporations leeway and legal cover for taking down sites "by accident," mistakenly, or for NOT doing "enough" to protect the interests of Hollywood. These bills that are moving very quickly through Congress and can pass before Christmas aim to give the US government and corporations the ability to block sites over infringing links posted by their users and give ISPs the release to take any means to block peoples' sites, including slowing down your connection. That's right, some say this bill is a workaround to net neutrality and is bigger than net neutrality." via: http://*******/pTTbC

    -Im.z2ight- Reviewed by -Im.z2ight- on . Today is the day the US congress will vote. Tell Congress not to censor the internet! Avaaz - Save the Internet: http://*******/gF7hE | "Google knows it. Viacom knows it. The Chamber of Commerce knows it. Internet democracy groups know it. BoingBoing knows it. But, the Internet hasn't been told yet -- we're going to get blown away by the end of the year. The worst bill in Internet history is about to become law. Law is very real here in the United States and legal language is often different than Rating: 5

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    Super Member
    Well I can look at this two ways.

    I can be annoyed because the warez I download is tv shows which I download a lot because I don't have sky/cable in my bedroom. But another way I can look at is that it will help developers earn their money. Hmm.. Interesting.

    If this passes though I have a feeling the americans won't stop and will censor basically everything.

    So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3

    U S S T A T E O F L A W !

    Quote Originally Posted by Sp32 View Post
    If this passes though I have a feeling the americans won't stop and will censor basically everything.
    So we will have WW3 soon ...
    => Selling ==> Top Level Domains ==> and

    People are flipping out on facebook. Its really funny!

    if the bill is passed, then google will have to close ( indexing links to illegal downloads sites). Then Youtube....

    Lol This shit will never go through.
    If you could just censor internet then everything would be censored completely.
    And who gives a fuck if america censor their internet. Of all the problems they are facing right now.. they would just bring a new one on their head.

    They WILL censor it. Just like they control the American media, they will have control over what is said and heard on the internet. Freedom of speech? Go ahead. Will you be heard? Probably not.

    i dont care who cares

    They might as well pass resolution to attack another country.

    Still doubt, They want to block sites from USA visitors only or want to takedown completely from whole world

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