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    I have some questions :

    what is the version of PHP, MSQL, and Apache ???
    is is the ionCube loaders for PHP installed or not ?
    is mod_Rewrite enabled ?

    and The must important is : Downtime , DDOS ??? that it was the only problem on all hosing company in KWWH ?????????

    Super Member
    MySQL: 5.1.56
    phpMyAdmin: 3.4.5
    PHP 5.x.x
    ionCube is installed
    mod_rewrite is enabled

    HiloHost hasn't received any DDoS attacks or Downtime at this current point in time.

    So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3

  3.   Sponsored Links

    ok but if it receive DDoS attacks , it will be down just like others ?

    @Sp32 u know what?....I pay quick attention to a user-name instead of reading all you offer...
    And I say thankssssssssssss God....I can trust

    For the the last couple of months, I saw daily new popup hosting companies..but unable to find trusted one...finally my wait is OVER....

    one suggestion...plz dont get banned yourself...I think you get what m talking about...

    +1 for You...

    Super Member
    Quote Originally Posted by sliman_1345 View Post
    ok but if it receive DDoS attacks , it will be down just like others ?
    Yes, if I did receive a DDoS attack the site would be down, but I'd help you transfer your name servers to CloudFlare so if your website was getting DDoS attacked you could help prevent it. If someone else on the server is being DDoS'd I'd request them to go to CloudFlares DNS as well to help prevent DDoS attacks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rizwan Saleem View Post
    @Sp32 u know what?....I pay quick attention to a user-name instead of reading all you offer...
    And I say thankssssssssssss God....I can trust

    For the the last couple of months, I saw daily new popup hosting companies..but unable to find trusted one...finally my wait is OVER....

    one suggestion...plz dont get banned yourself...I think you get what m talking about...

    +1 for You...
    Thanks buddy, I know what you mean, and that's well, what I am here for, so people can have a nice company they can have faith in and I enjoy server administration.

    I've edited all the plans to have addon domains apart from the starter plan. So now you can manage all your domains within one account, I hope you guys enjoy.

    So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3

    between Starter and normal, there should be another one, I mean

    • 1 GB HD Space
    • 50 GB Bandwidth

    is too small,

    • 10 GB HD Space
    • 250 GB Bandwidth

    too large...

    If USD$ 2,20 for 5GB HD Space an 100 GB Bandwidth would be nice for us.

    Super Member
    Hi, I'd like to create that plan for you but it will cost 3.20$. Let me know if you'd still be interested.


    So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3

    Very noice plans SP32 if you ever need any help just holl3r : p

    Super Member
    Cheers DLow, I'll keep that in mind.

    So kiss me and smile for me, say that you'll wait for me <'3

    Well after GearServe anounce that they no longer support warez linking sites its time to move, lets see how HiloHost behave this month

    EDIT: Please check ticket #789881

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