Hello! I'm selling my 5 day old HostHatch VDS for only 20 USD
Hatch-VDS 2Gbit NL#2

2 x Xeon E5620 (2x2.66Ghz)
50Gb SAS 15k + 100Gb SATA2
2Gbps Unmetered
1 Dedicated IP address
OS: Windows / Linux
Evoswitch, Netherlands

Price: 20 USD
Bought Nov 12. Never used.

Sacrifice sale. Regular price at HostHatch website is 45 USD.


Buyer has to create a new billing account with HostHatch.com, the VDS provider, before the VDS can be transferred.

Please PM me if you're interested.

Thank you.

Moderated Message:
I changed the title as you're not official Hosthatch ~Mindy

Thank you for that Mindy. I was also wondering that title to give it...
Teks0427 Reviewed by Teks0427 on . Private Sale - VDS, 2Gbit Unmetered, 1gb RAM, 15Gb SAS+100Gb SATA - $20 (NL) Hello! I'm selling my 5 day old HostHatch VDS for only 20 USD Hatch-VDS 2Gbit NL#2 2 x Xeon E5620 (2x2.66Ghz) 1Gb DDR3 RAM 50Gb SAS 15k + 100Gb SATA2 2Gbps Unmetered 1 Dedicated IP address OS: Windows / Linux Evoswitch, Netherlands Rating: 5