
I m offering you high pr classified submission service, We can helps businesses of all sizes market their goods and services, on some of the Internets most visited websites, such as Backpage. These websites have millions of visitors each month who belong to groups and are categorized by similar interest. By placing your ad or website link in front of visitors to these groups. Potential customers have an opportunity to email, call or click through to your website. Bringing you targeted traffic for pennies per visitors, as apposed to paying dollars per visitors with the search engines.

See our packages given below :-

Classified Submission Packages

Package-1....100 Ads....10$

Package-2....200 Ads....20$

Package-3....500 Ads....47$

Package-4....1000 Ads...90$

First 3 members can Get 50% discount on package 1 & 2

Interested person can PM me

Required Details from you :
Website name:
Title [2 or 3]
Description :
Category :
Sub category :
Key word:
E-mail id for client inequiry
E-mail id to send report

Payment through PAYPAL

More Details Contact Me:
Email id : firoz.evershine@gmail.com
gtalk id : firoz.evershine
skype id: firoz.seo
mehul10 Reviewed by mehul10 on . High Quality Classified Submission Service at cheap rate.. Hi, I m offering you high pr classified submission service, We can helps businesses of all sizes market their goods and services, on some of the Internets most visited websites, such as Backpage. These websites have millions of visitors each month who belong to groups and are categorized by similar interest. By placing your ad or website link in front of visitors to these groups. Potential customers have an opportunity to email, call or click through to your website. Rating: 5