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31st Oct 2011, 05:41 PM #1OPMember
End of Warez - Congress Declares War On The Internet
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Many internet users in the United States have watched with horror as countries like France and Britain have proposed or instituted so-called ?three strikes? laws, which cut off internet access to those accused of repeated acts of copyright infringement. Now the U.S. has its own version of this kind of law, and it is arguably much worse: the Stop Online Piracy Act, introduced in the House this week, would give governments and private corporations unprecedented powers to remove websites from the internet on the flimsiest of grounds, and would force internet service providers to play the role of copyright police.
To recap a bit of history, the Stop Online Piracy Act or SOPA is the House version of a previous bill proposed by the Senate, which was known as the PROTECT-IP Act (a name that was an abbreviation for ?Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property?). That in turn was a rewritten version of a previous proposed bill that was introduced in the Senate last year. Not wanting to be outdone by their Senate colleagues when it comes to really long acronyms, the House version is also known as the E-PARASITE Act, which is short for ?Enforcing and Protecting American Rights Against Sites Intent on Theft and Exploitation.?
Copyright holders win, free speech and an open Internet lose
What it really is, however, is a disaster for the internet. As the Electronic Frontier Foundation notes in a post on the proposed legislation, the law would not only require ISPs to remove websites from the global network at the request of the government or the courts (by blocking any requests to the central domain-name system that directs internet traffic), but would also be forced to monitor their users? behavior in order to police acts of copyright infringement. Providers who do not comply with these requests and requirements would be subject to sanctions. And in many cases, legal hearings would not be required. As Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) said of the PROTECT-IP Act:
At the expense of legitimate commerce, PIPA?s prescription takes an overreaching approach to policing the Internet when a more balanced and targeted approach would be more effective. The collateral damage of this approach is speech, innovation and the very integrity of the Internet.In effect, the new law would route around many of the protections in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, including the ?safe harbor? provisions (a number of law professors have said that they believe the proposed legislation would be unconstitutional because it is a restraint on freedom of speech). The idea that ISPs and internet users can avoid penalties if they remove content once they have been notified that it is infringing, for example, wouldn?t apply under the new legislation ? and anyone who provides tools that allow users to access blacklisted sites would also be subject to penalties.
In addition to using what some are calling the ?internet death penalty? of removing infringing websites from the DNS system so they can?t be found, the proposed bill would also allow copyright holders to push for websites and services to be removed from search engine results and to have their supply of advertising cut off ? and would require that payment companies like PayPal and ad networks comply with these orders. If you liked what PayPal and others did when they shut off donations to WikiLeaks, you?re going to love the new Stop Online Piracy Act.
Creating a firewall around the internet, just like China
According to Techdirt, which has been a vocal critic of the bill and its predecessors, the new legislation would create a ?Great Firewall of America,? similar to the firewall that the Chinese government uses to keep its citizens from accessing certain websites and servers that it deems to be illegal. Techdirt?s Mike Masnick notes that the new bill actually expands the range of websites that could be targeted by the bill: the previous version referred to sites that were ?dedicated to infringing activities? with no other obvious purpose, but the new law would allow the government to target any site that has ?only limited purpose or use? other than infringement (by the government?s definition).
The bottom line is that if it passes and becomes law, the new act would give the government and copyright holders a giant stick ? if not an automatic weapon ? with which to pursue websites and services they believe are infringing on their content. With little or no requirement for a court hearing, they could remove websites from the internet and shut down their ability to be found by search engines or to process payments from users. DMCA takedown notices would effectively be replaced by this nuclear option, and innocent websites would have to fight to prove that they deserved to be restored to the internet ? a reversal of the traditional American judicial approach of being assumed innocent until proven guilty ? at which point any business they had would be destroyed.
That might make for the kind of internet that media and entertainment conglomerates would prefer, but it would clearly be a much diminished version of the internet we take for granted. Opponents of the bill have set up a website to try and convince voters to reject the legislation and tell their congressman not to support it. Embedded below is an interview that Senator Wyden did at the recent Web 2.0 Summit about his views on the PROTECT-IP Act and why it needs to be stopped:viruz99 Reviewed by viruz99 on . End of Warez - Congress Declares War On The Internet Source : Many internet users in the United States have watched with horror as countries like France and Britain have proposed or instituted so-called ?three strikes? laws, which cut off internet access to those accused of repeated acts of copyright infringement. Now the U.S. has its own version of this kind of law, and it is arguably much worse: the Stop Online Piracy Act, introduced in the House this week, Rating: 5
31st Oct 2011, 05:44 PM #2Respected MemberWebsite's: KWWHunction.comfinally !!!! the end is near
Dear Haters,
"I respect you so much, that's why I salute you with 1 middle finger!"
Thank You !
31st Oct 2011, 05:47 PM #3Member
Never will piracy ends, it is as old as the first humans and will never end! - For Sale! PM Me! Cheap!
31st Oct 2011, 05:47 PM #4MemberWebsite's:
ihide.infoWORLD WIDE WEB... nuff said.
suck my dick congress.KWWH has turned gay. I will not return until Phamous is demoted.
31st Oct 2011, 05:48 PM #5Banned
we will see what happens. & if its happens also, I am plan to do PHD in Programming & Computer Language. so i got nice salary, no warez no software piracy so every software i make i got full money. lol
31st Oct 2011, 05:48 PM #6Member
That's stupid i just bought warez site ;(
Haha they can catch 1,2,3 of us but they can't catch all
31st Oct 2011, 05:48 PM #7OPMember
Edit : looks like this was posted 3 days ago ......
if is still up , then warez won't die
31st Oct 2011, 05:50 PM #8MemberWebsite's:
ihide.infobtw. edit your post. its much better to read from the source than from your shitty copy and paste job.
KWWH has turned gay. I will not return until Phamous is demoted.
31st Oct 2011, 05:57 PM #9Member
I hope they are serious this time.
Fucking b-tards taking my tax money for weed.
31st Oct 2011, 06:00 PM #10(╯?□?)╯︵ ┻━┻Website's: CracksDirect.comGo for it, I hope all these laws do pass and they do take down the majority of warez sites.
I see it as a massive cleanup rather than a negative thing, get rid of all the useless shit on the net and back to having few high quality sites everyone uses.
Also if it does go around safe harbour provisions, that's just awesome. Get rid of all these crappy filehosts scamming the shit out of users and forcing them to pay.
Warez is a craphole these days, new laws against it would actually do us good and clean it up.Projects:
WCDDL - The Professional DDL Script
Top Secret Project: In Development - ZOMG
ImgTrack - Never Have Dead Images Again!
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