Call for professional coder who expert on RapidLeech Script.

I need extra feature :

1.Design template with html5 & css3 (make load faster) & logo
2.Admin panel (user & reseller management)
3.Support multi plan/group (exp. plan A space 5GB, plan B space 10GB, etc)
4.Private user file folder (exp. user A can not see user B files)
5.Auto reminder by email on H-1 before Account expire & Auto delete user account & files if not extend account on 48 hour
6.Limiter space usage (no bug again, which can lead to overuse space)
7.Expired date
8.Prevent multi-login & feature white list & blacklist IP
9.Cancel & delete button on tranloading progress (single & auto transload file)
10.Reseller panel, which i can add/credit plan to them, so reseller just can only change username & password only for they user account
(example. reseller buy plan A 5 Account, plan B 10 Account, so on reseller panel they will get stock of plan A 5 and B 10, this account still not active until they got buyer and activated it)
11.1-4 page website (like linksnappy/leechpark)
12.No need payment gateway, activated process will be manually (on registration process, will explain more detail to who can make this project) & this code must by base on latest release version Rapidleech (svn checkout

Budget US$0
(but if you can meet and make me satisfied with your work, budgets can be increased)
Regarding the payment system, I would just make full payment if you have completed this work and gave me a full demo.

If there is still not clear, please ask to me via PM, every feature I gave the number to be able to facilitate communication
This script copyright will belong to me completely, you are not permitted to resell it for any reason.

Please submit your bid and how much time you need to complete this project (I'm not too hasty, because I do not want a script that still has bugs)

Thank you...

have got a coder
yudianto79 Reviewed by yudianto79 on . Call for a professional coder (php, html5, css3) Call for professional coder who expert on RapidLeech Script. I need extra feature : 1.Design template with html5 & css3 (make load faster) & logo 2.Admin panel (user & reseller management) 3.Support multi plan/group (exp. plan A space 5GB, plan B space 10GB, etc) 4.Private user file folder (exp. user A can not see user B files) 5.Auto reminder by email on H-1 before Account expire & Auto delete user account & files if not extend account on 48 hour Rating: 5