Link Farm Evolution Preinstalled with a Special Plugin worth $600 and Ready to Rock!

High quality one-way links. On thousands of unique domains. Fully automated.

Sounds like something you would be interested in? Then read on!

What is Link Farm Evolution?

LFE is the tool that allows you to harness the power of social media platforms such as WordPress MU (or WP 3.0 multisite) and Pligg to build a vast link farm. Open-source and wide-spread, those platforms allow you to get quality links on thousands of unique domains in unlimited quantities. And the best part is that you don’t have to pay a thing or do any manual labor to do that. You can have an endlessly diverse link farm providing links to all of your sites — WhiteHat or BlackHat alike.

Pick Any of the 6169+ WPMU & Pligg Hosts to Put Your Links on.

• Our host harvester scans thousands of hosts every day and weeds out all the trash so you won’t find unaccessible hosts, hosts from the same domain, hosts with closed or limited registration and, of course, no duplicates.
• Every host in our database is on a different domain and most of them have a unique IP address.
• And if you want some highly targeted links, use our built-in SERP scraper to automatically find hosts related to your niche. It’s just like using a regular search engine, only that you don’t have to scan results for working hosts yourself — LFE does it all for you in the background.
Fill out Registration Forms Without Ever Seeing Them.

• New WPMU blogs are being created without a hitch — it’s as easy as entering a list of your future blog titles.
• To put some links on Pligg hosts, you don’t even have to create new user accounts yourself, LFE takes care of it in the background as needed.
• LFE will automatically go through all registration steps and fill out the forms for you.
• It will also generate human-readable e-mail addresses and automatically “click” e-mail verification links for every blog or Pligg account you create with LFE.
• After new blogs have been set up, the script will automatically enable remote access to them (XMLRPC), pick a custom template, delete the “Hello world!” post and empty the blogroll (so all the “link juice” will be yours .
Automatic Captcha Entering.

• With LFE you receive access to our captcha-breaking service with 90-95% accuracy.
• Our captcha-breaking service does not care whether it’s reCaptcha or just plain numbers — as long as it’s a JPEG image with letters and digits in it, it will be cracked.
• This means your account creation will be fully automated.
• You won’t even see a single captcha anymore — they are all found and filled out for you.
• All Your Captchas on our hosted LFE are 100% Free
• With LFE you can also easily bypass both WPMU‘s and Pligg’s security questions.
Post to Blogs, Submit News Stories and Comment En Masse.

• Content spinning. With industry-wide standard format for article spinning (e.g. “{one phrase|other {subphrase|another subphrase}phrase}“), so you don’t have to look too far to find writers for your custom articles.
• Extensible content generation engine with a [YACG]-like hook system.
• With one click you can add content from associated content, flickr or a relevant blog.
• Preview generated content right in the posting screen.
• Post tagging and categorization support — tags can be automatically generated based on your post content, or spinned randomly from a predefined list.
• Automatic pinging after each post.

Easily Manage Your Link Farm.

• Easy blogroll management.
• Fast search across you entire blog and host databases.
• You can login into any of your WPMU blogs with one click. No need to memorize or copy/paste logins and passwords.
• You can even add and manage your existing WordPress blogs (WPMU or not) with LFE.
• You’re in control — you can easily export your data in .CSV format (supported by Microsoft Excel and many others) at any time.
• Automatic daily backups will keep your data safe.
•Full proxy support (socks and password-protected proxies too).

Instant VIP Access Now Free...

4 Easy Steps to Use it :

(all videos together last less than 10 mins, It's how easy it is! )

1.- Link Farm Evolution Video Training Part 1 - Adding Hosts


2.- Link Farm Evolution Video Training Part 2 - Creating Blogs


3.- Link Farm Evolution Video Training Part 3 - Managing Blogs


4.- Link Farm Evolution Video Training Part 4 - Putting Your Links on Your Blogs


+++ A Special Plugin worth $600 that automates splog creation, content creation, content spinning, backlinking and your linkwheel+++


So what is so special about it and how can it help you in your Seo efforts?

1. It builds automatic linkwheels. Pure efficiency for you!
2. It scrapes and spins content on autopilot. Just sit back and relax, while it does its magic!
3. It gives you the power to decide your linking strategy. You decide the best strategy for you!

4. It comes 100% installed and hosted on our server. So no setup hassle for you!
5. It doesn't come only with WPMU Blogs, but also with Tumblr, Pligg and More options, more power!
6. It comes with a full database all sites, so that you can choose the ones related to your niche!

7. You
don't need to buy or create any email accounts, because it uses a catchall system on more than 50 different domains!
9. It's really a simple and powerful script with our own Integrated Human Captcha Service.
You don't need to waste money on Captchas!
10. The
Script comes with our own private proxies for the best results for you!

10. We also give you our 100% Support and Tutorials on how to get the most of this monster.

*You have one day free trial. After that you pay $35 each month. After the trial period there are No Refunds
**Each installation is unique for that reason, it may take up to 7 hours to deliver it. So please patience!
*** You will get also free access to our support area with tutorials and training!
mohitjmehta Reviewed by mohitjmehta on . LFE Preinstalled with a Special Plugin worth $600 and Ready to Rock. Try it Free! Link Farm Evolution Preinstalled with a Special Plugin worth $600 and Ready to Rock! High quality one-way links. On thousands of unique domains. Fully automated. Sounds like something you would be interested in? Then read on! What is Link Farm Evolution? Rating: 5