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    Default [TUT]Fully Protecting Yourself From Stealers

    Lot's of uploaders' accounts are getting hacked nowadays, so here's a little info to protect you from password stealers that you may unknowingly download.

    So you wanna to learn how to fully protect yourself from a password stealer? Well I'll tell you how.
    Most of it's common sense, first off lets start with our browser. If you are using Internet Explorer then you NEED to get rid of it.

    Download Firefox using the link above.

    Then import all your settings from IE. When it's finished importing your data, erase all the IE information.
    Open IE and click Tools > Internet Options > Browsing History > Delete All, click Yes on the popup.
    Now since IE has no passwords stored in it anymore, a stealer can't get any info from it.

    Now it's time to secure Firefox:
    Open Firefox, go to Tools > Options > Security tab > Tick Use Master Password > Enter a very complex password. Make sure you remember it (write it down just to be safe) because from now on you will need to enter it every time you start Firefox. Firefox is now stealer proof.

    To secure MSN Messenger:
    MSN- make sure you have the Remember Password checkbox unticked so that the password can't get stolen.

    To secure FTP:
    FTP clients- if you use Filezilla or CuteFTP or Coreftp, passwords can get stolen from these. So just make sure that you don't have any stored information in there, especially if you have r00t ftp access to your site or private accounts. Now your ftp passwords can't be stolen.

    Any other messenger services- Same as MSN.

    Any other program you may use to connect somewhere and has a Remember my Password/Save Password feature, ALWAYS keep it unticked.

    Full Credits goto sneak aka A.D.E.D. from TriniWarez
    snowmanrene Reviewed by snowmanrene on . [TUT]Fully Protecting Yourself From Stealers Lot's of uploaders' accounts are getting hacked nowadays, so here's a little info to protect you from password stealers that you may unknowingly download. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- So you wanna to learn how to fully protect yourself from a password stealer? Well I'll tell you how. Most of it's common sense, first off lets start with our browser. If you are using Internet Explorer then you NEED to get rid of it. Rating: 5
    This is the staff, you have been banned

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    Nice info Thx

    your welcome mate, glad to share
    This is the staff, you have been banned

    I would like to add, this is a gud way to stop iStealer, rStealer and such, but you can't stop keyloggers with such precautions. To stop keyloggers get a gud AV and scan regularly. Always upload warez applications to virustotal to check. Never open an exe movie/tvshow. Learn to make money by investing in hyips (high yield investment programs), affiliate marketing and tons of other method ;)

    Yep, should make that clear.....THis only protects against stealers, not keyloggers.
    This is the staff, you have been banned

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