
I just got some problems with a plugin (SEO Search Terms 2) on my wordpress site.

So I did uninstall, reinstall and when I activated it, the settings was the same like before uninstallation. That is like nothing changed with the plugin

I tried reinstall in WP admin, but also via FTP and result is the same.

It s not possible to reset the plugin. I need "complete" reinstalation...

Where could be a problem?

Thanks in advance..
weena Reviewed by weena on . [WP] Plugin Reinstall Hi, I just got some problems with a plugin (SEO Search Terms 2) on my wordpress site. So I did uninstall, reinstall and when I activated it, the settings was the same like before uninstallation. That is like nothing changed with the plugin :O I tried reinstall in WP admin, but also via FTP and result is the same. It s not possible to reset the plugin. I need "complete" reinstalation... Rating: 5