i'm looking for a designer that is already experienced in customizing phpbb templates ..
he should have great knowledge of Photoshop ofcourse ..
we want something really fancy for our new skin ...

contact me via pm and show some samples and ur estimated price to customize a template ...
i'm talkign about .. Banner , Forum_read / unread images .. Status Images .. actually all images customizable on a forum ..
StarTech Reviewed by StarTech on . [PaidJob]Designer Experienced With Customizing Templates . i'm looking for a designer that is already experienced in customizing phpbb templates .. he should have great knowledge of Photoshop ofcourse .. we want something really fancy for our new skin ... contact me via pm and show some samples and ur estimated price to customize a template ... i'm talkign about .. Banner , Forum_read / unread images .. Status Images .. actually all images customizable on a forum .. Rating: 5