Hey fellas,

I was gonna PM the admin first but I thought that public discussion would be the best way to interact.

I have recently started a WordPress blog, well just installed actually and enabled a addon for social links that allows to share article to various social networks.

The problem is that when I have enabled the format above the page load time was too high. Query to get number of like was taking bit long and +1 script was heavy so it became too slow.

I remember KWWH have the same problem about FB likes, when the page hangout for around 3 seconds in the header while getting number of likes but later it was fixed and now it's lightning fast.
I just wanna set it up that way so is there any tweak or something ?

This isnt just for my WP blog but I guess I could use it with my IPB Forum too. Let me know

Ps. Google helps a lot, I either load FB button with HTML in head so it wont take long, or I can make it load 2 seconds later after page is done loading. but though I wanna know how did eLight or the specific guy did that.
nEw_boY Reviewed by nEw_boY on . FB Likes, Google +1 JavaScript Load time Hey fellas, I was gonna PM the admin first but I thought that public discussion would be the best way to interact. I have recently started a WordPress blog, well just installed actually and enabled a addon for social links that allows to share article to various social networks. http://screensnapr.com/e/b95uqz.png The problem is that when I have enabled the format above the page load time was too high. Query to get number of like was taking bit long and +1 script was heavy so it Rating: 5