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    Default Good forums to post movie

    Hi guys, I'm looking for forum which is good for posting movie. Doesn't matter if it is big or small as long as it has Movie box and have at least average 5-10 views for each topic before it went to page 2 of the box.

    Thanks in advance
    3v3rything4u Reviewed by 3v3rything4u on . Good forums to post movie Hi guys, I'm looking for forum which is good for posting movie. Doesn't matter if it is big or small as long as it has Movie box and have at least average 5-10 views for each topic before it went to page 2 of the box. Thanks in advance :) Rating: 5

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    Respected Developer
    Get yourself an autoposter eg themaposter, multiposter or smart-poster and post your topics to some of the top warez forums. This site lists the top warez sites with the most traffic so go through it and post your topics on them.

    Their are other tutorials and tips and tricks around KWWH about how to opimize your topics as well as more info on which autoposter is best for you and your price range.
    Tutorial How to SEO your Warez Site a guide to help you increase your organic traffic

    Huge list of Warez Sites and free Multiposter Templates

    Quote Originally Posted by 3v3rything4u View Post
    Hi guys, I'm looking for forum which is good for posting movie. Doesn't matter if it is big or small as long as it has Movie box and have at least average 5-10 views for each topic before it went to page 2 of the box.

    Thanks in advance
    There are so many thread About big forum. Please use this link Click here

    Auto Posters are banned on a lot of forum so watch out you could be banned

    Quote Originally Posted by DJboutit View Post
    Auto Posters are banned on a lot of forum so watch out you could be banned
    Thema breaks all

    Sorry for not making clear enough at the first post, so here it is.

    I don't use auto post, simply because I don't like it, wanna take my hand to carefully post even is boring ^^

    I have viewed a list for like 500 popular forum links but only can get almost 20, the rest either dead or not suit my style. I also have a look for all the site in the DDL and other ranking warez size.

    So I'm posting this topic hopefully that someone can introduce me to some forums which is not so popular but have its own way, I don't know how to explain but just like I say... 5-10 view before a topic get to page 2.



    i really don't understand questions like this ! Every forum (that have members and that is visited) is a good forum . Question is Are your uploads and theards good enough for downloaders !!!
    Try to be different , i know it is hard . Choose uploading Movies and be respected movies member . Nothing comes throug the night . Earn respect ! Post movies daily , update dead links , post quality screens , post quality info . Make topic to look nice , not confusing . When you get respect , members will respect you and dl from you . DOn't post on 100 forums , post on 2-3 but visit them every days and update all that need to be updated !!! Get yourself in a position of downloader ! What DO YOU WANT as downloader ! Will you dl from some newbie or from some respected member whos post are well known !

    Thanks for your advice : )

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