i decide to sell my Porn tube directory http://porntubedirectory.com

Site run on a custom script, getting between 100-200 uv/day with no promotion, mostly from US & CA, making from $0.01 to $0.15 a day loll

You get domain name, script, DB, everything on the site.

Auction start at $1
incresment: $1
End time: 72 hrs after last bid

Proof of ownership: http://porntubedirectory.com/proof.txt
Traffic: http://i.imgur.com/ZJg7T.png
ebizzz Reviewed by ebizzz on . Porn Tube Directory Hi, i decide to sell my Porn tube directory http://porntubedirectory.com Site run on a custom script, getting between 100-200 uv/day with no promotion, mostly from US & CA, making from $0.01 to $0.15 a day loll You get domain name, script, DB, everything on the site. Auction start at $1 incresment: $1 End time: 72 hrs after last bid Rating: 5