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    Default TakeDownPiracys Nate Replys To KWWHunction.

    Takedown Piracy gets more attention on KWWHunction

    So yesterday I posted an email sent to me by an anonymous emailer. I did not edit the email in any way and I did not even comment on it. I just posted it. Also, like I do with every comment I get from my haters, I approved the only comment made on the article so far. Which to be fair wasn?t from one of my haters, but just someone who disputed the verbiage used by the anonymous emailer.

    Today I was alerted to the fact that once again, the website KWWHunction was abuzz with references to me. I have no problem with this and I think healthy debate is great for everyone. I would have liked to have posted my thoughts on KWWHunction but my past accounts there were both suspended and for a time my IP was banned. I imagine this was the work of someone who just didn?t like me and my company and NOT indicative of KWWHunction?s current management who seem to be very fair and open to what it is I do.

    So I will answer the comments made in that thread here so that my detractors and supporters can understand my position on these matters.

    Full thread here :

    Comments directed towards me and TDP:

    Lifetalk: Lol. This guy is definitely bored. He probably can?t find enough warez to keep him busy with sending out takedown emails that mostly get dumped in the trash or sent to spam (by default).

    Well, I?m not bored. Actually that email came to me on 9/18 and I posted it on 9/21 because I?ve been too busy. And I can?t find enough Warez? Ummm there?s plenty of copyright infringing going on. More than any one person could begin to wrap their head around. You don?t have to look for warez, it?s everywhere. And our notices most certainly do not get dumped in the trash, though I imagine that you imagine that every website is full of bravado and tells me to go to hell. Unfortunately those piracy sites you idolize are for the most part completely compliant with takedown notices. Because they aren?t stupid, and would rather remove content instead of facing litigation. Which is probably why they run a site and you comment on a board. See the difference there?

    Mr. Happy: I?d like to work for He/she/they obviously needs an experienced warez webmaster to show them the ropes as they haven?t got a clue. I?d say KWWH is their biggest source of traffic too. Trying to close the site which is your biggest source of traffic is a dumb ass thing to do if you want your site to survive.

    Mr. Happy, first off, I am glad you are happy. I don?t think we are currently adding to our staff but I will keep you in mind. For the record, KWWH is not our biggest source of traffic. That would be Google. Actually KWWH is 3rd (thanks!) behind Google and type in traffic. Google accounts for 68% of our traffic according to Analytics. Type-in is 11% and KWWH is 5.5%. Now, while I appreciate traffic, I would think you would be smart enough to realize that not all traffic is of equal value. Since I am not using any sort of advertising on my site, the number of visitors I get is really of no consequence. You can see that our Alexa rank is 260,000 something, which isn?t very good. How we even got that high is beyond me. But regardless, KWWHunction traffic is of very little value to me, since KWWHunction users aren?t typically copyright holders and thus aren?t typically a customer we would want to attract. I appreciate you guys coming here and leaving comments but it doesn?t do me any good or bad. I can safely assume I?ve never converted a KWWHunction user to a paying customer. But then again?has anyone? *zing*! And where did I ever say anything about trying to close KWWH? KWWH isn?t hosting copyright infringing materials. I simply use KWWH as a way to stay informed as to what you guys are doing. And you guys are more than willing to make your business models and other dealings very public.

    DJ Mad: His poor and doesnt get that much business,so cant afford a good template,but im sure the nice people here will code him one for free

    Hey Mr. DJ I?m not really sure how you are aware of my financial status but I think you?d change your mind if I were to post my earnings screenshot. BOOM! If I don?t get that much business, then why do you guys waste so much time obsessing over me? But the part about my template is funny. If I wanted a fancy template, I?d just do what everyone else at KWWH does ? steal it from another website! Think I could co-opt the HornyWhores template for my site too? My template was a free one, because I could care less about wasting my customers? money into a website that they aren?t even going to. I sell a service, not a flashy website. Big difference.

    eLight: Probably someone who?s pissed off that we don?t allow people to seek uploaders for their websites. KWWHunction has changed a lot in the past couple of months. In this process, we?ve alienated quite a few people? But so be it. We discussed it as staff a few months ago, and that path hasn?t changed. Nate isn?t our enemy, well I don?t deem him as one. That post was made from an ?anonymous? user.

    I?d be interested to see Nate post over here, though I doubt he?d be interested in doing so. But the door is always open in my eyes. Maybe something constructive could come of it.

    eLight so far is the most intelligent person I?ve read on KWWH. When others hated on me and my business model, he was right there to point out how my model is legit. What we have here is a rational person capable of critical thought and not just Ad hominem attacks or group-think. I?d love to post at KWWH if I knew my account wasn?t going to be suspended or IP banned because I don?t drink the PirateBay flavored koolaid. Hit me up eLight and let?s make it happen.

    Foxman: What the hell? Is this nate guy for real?


    Dom: This guy is a fucking joke. I?m getting really pissed off with him, he is one of the most cocky?est people I have ever encountered.

    He will not last.

    Well, I?m not sure we?ve had an encounter but I?m sorry you have such hatred in your heart towards me. I won?t last? We?re coming up on 3 years of Takedown Piracy and more and more copyright owners are becoming active in protecting their digital media. The tide is not moving in your direction. That being said?I hope I don?t ?last?. I hope I?m not doing this in five years. I had a regular job before this and I?ll gladly go back to doing something else once piracy is at a manageable level.

    Nightmare: You guys know that he made this topic to get some visitors to his site ?
    and so far he is getting it , i think this topic should be closed since its a complete crap .

    Again, why would I want KWWH traffic. It is as useless to me as my traffic would be to KWWH. I thought you guys were supposed to be webmasters. Sheesh.

    WarezDemon: I?m not the one who goes and sucks nates dick tbh i hate TDP.
    The sites just one man trying to do the impossible, TakeDownPiracy.
    I could do a much better job then TDP. And thats without using sites like KWWHunction for evidence.

    We can both agree that you are definitely not the one sucking my dick. See, we can find things we agree on. I?m not trying to do the impossible, I?m just doing a service for my clients, those clients are very happy with my service. If you think you can do a better job than me than I suggest you start your own business doing just that. That?s kinda how businesses get started. I had the same idea when I started mine. I thought I could do a better job than others in this space and that I could do it for less cost. If you think you can compete with all the anti-piracy companies out there, then put your money where your mouth is and do it. I?m doing it, I?m not fighting for crumbs and three dollars a day uploading Photoshop to Filesonic so they can become rich. You want to come play in my yard, bring it on.

    Mr. Happy: The key thing is this Nate guy is the good guy. It doesn?t matter who gives him info or how he gets it. Let?s be honest he is fighting crime. Ridicule him all you want but he?s on the right side of the law and uploaders are on the other. Their?s no denying that.

    Now I know why they call you Mr. Happy. Appreciate the dose of reality you injected into the thread. I don?t hate uploaders, no matter how much they might hate on me. I think it?s appalling that sites like Filesonic and wUpload rake in millions while paying uploaders (often in third world countries or impoverished situations) a few bucks a month. I think that?s akin to labor exploitation. I?m surprised that more of you guys don?t see that. Some of you do, and those guys tend to support what I?m doing. When was the last time you read about me suing a website? Never. When have I sued an individual? Never. I am not your enemy. I am the enemy of those that want to directly profit from the intellectual works of others. I am paid to be a thorn in the sides of those that want to ignore copyright laws. That is what I am paid to do and I do my job well.

    I would welcome the opportunity to engage the KWWHunction userbase in an actual spirited debate. I have doubts that either side can be swayed but you can get meaningful ideas from people who don?t agree with you. I?m not hard to find. nate at takedownpiracy dot com.

    Nate u should be paying me for posting this stuff.A new ps3 will do thanks pm me

    Dj Mad Reviewed by Dj Mad on . TakeDownPiracys Nate Replys To KWWHunction. Takedown Piracy gets more attention on KWWHunction So yesterday I posted an email sent to me by an anonymous emailer. I did not edit the email in any way and I did not even comment on it. I just posted it. Also, like I do with every comment I get from my haters, I approved the only comment made on the article so far. Which to be fair wasn?t from one of my haters, but just someone who disputed the verbiage used by the anonymous emailer. Today I was alerted to the fact that once again, Rating: 5

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    you are just trying to get attention.

    Quote Originally Posted by foxman View Post
    you are just trying to get attention.
    Yea your right my whole life is that people on the internet will like me and be my friends.

    Well I don't see what is this fuzz all about.

    I wouldn't recommend him to come and post here since ppl will flame him, and most of them will be simple minded fools (sorry for expression) who thinks warez and uploading rocks, and why does this "bad" man deletes their files and their "hard" work.

    All he is doing is his job, uploading copyright content is illegal, what he is doing, isnt, and there is no point of being rude to him
    And every answer and point he gave is valid, but you'll still continue to write same things.

    You'll maybe appreciate that someday when you'll find some1 else stealing your work

    Doing things differently.
    I actually find this all abit interesting tbh.
    //Fatal error: found object, can't execute, no earn = must kill self..

    Just know it comes down to your moment. What you intend to do with your time.

    As of now, I am using this 30 seconds to type a reply on KWWHunction, hopefully invoking thoughts to those that read my posting.

    If you chose to debate, you live in the moment of debate, you live to debate. Arguing to invoke change will only instill the original thoughts of the debater even further. That is not the way to go about things, nor do I recommend that you should.

    Let Nate be. Take care of your own business. After all, YOU are what really matters, right?

    Whatever anyone have to say, let me start from this:

    Nate is on the right side, whatever you think about him, and what he does.

    Quote Originally Posted by cvrle77 View Post
    Whatever anyone have to say, let me start from this:

    Nate is on the right side, whatever you think about him, and what he does.
    I dont mind nate as long as he buys me a ps3 + 2 games But i think it would be good if he were aloud post here,it would be a refreshing change from a person who is pro copyright.As long as the flaming didnt get out of hand.

    Nah, he wouldn't be refreshing at all, we already have people who share same ideas as Nate, and report links inkognito However, none of them probably doesn't get payed for that,lol

    what is it with you and KWWH???

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