Hi im looking for graphicc designer(s) for theme development.
I already have experience in designing and coding themes, i work as web designer. I already have one website where i sell few wordpress tube themes along with other services.
Now im planing to go to another domain and build another website where i will sell only themes. But im kinda slow on designing. I can code theme faster than i can design layout.

Im not looking for a team that will tevelop themes for me, i only need graphic designer.
What designer need to do is:
Design layout in Photoshop
Make some advertising and promotional banners, screenshots, etc... for that design.

I will do:
Write manuals
Promotional tools
and others...

For start im interested in building some simple html themes like portfolio, one page themes, under construction pages. And wordpress themes.

Everyone who is interested post question here or PM me. We can agree on payment methods in details, i was thinking to do revenue share by % of sale.
lonerunner Reviewed by lonerunner on . Looking for graphic designer for themes Hi im looking for graphicc designer(s) for theme development. I already have experience in designing and coding themes, i work as web designer. I already have one website where i sell few wordpress tube themes along with other services. Now im planing to go to another domain and build another website where i will sell only themes. But im kinda slow on designing. I can code theme faster than i can design layout. Im not looking for a team that will tevelop themes for me, i only need Rating: 5