This is related to [15$] Webmaster control panel (WCP v2) by t3od0r ... he is not online and I hope someone can help me

I have this error. After I made the first post, I got my password using forgot password function from webmasters.php. I entered webmasters.php and above my header I have those lines even after I logged out

Division by zero

Line 22 in /home/account/public_html/
How to fix this ?

LE : fixed, no more problems. Contact t3od0r for fix
kitty Reviewed by kitty on . Error - Division by zero Line 22 in wcddl webmasters This is related to Webmaster control panel (WCP v2) by t3od0r ... he is not online and I hope someone can help me :( I have this error. After I made the first post, I got my password using forgot password function from webmasters.php. I entered webmasters.php and above my header I have those lines even after I logged out <_< How to fix this ? :facepalm: LE : fixed, no more problems. Contact t3od0r for fix :D Rating: 5